Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Spence the deadline stipulated by the purchaser for the sale of the business by a receiver had passed and the receiver ceased trading and dismissed the employees .
2 When Ezra the scribe read from the law of Moses to the returned exiles in Jerusalem , the people , we are told not only " understood the reading " but alternately " wept when they heard the words of the law " and made " great rejoicing " .
3 In this case the message sent on the SWIFT system from the US bank to the UK bank is that your ( NOSTRO ) account has been credited by us with $10 000 , in return pass on this amount to the named beneficiary , the UK exporter .
4 In each case the LAO listed in the BCU yearbook needs to be contacted for the details .
5 In that case the tax deducted on the dividends can be reclaimed provided it is meant for a non tax paying child .
6 In that case the tax deducted on the dividends can be reclaimed provided it is meant for a non tax paying child .
7 In that case the tax deducted on the dividends can be reclaimed provided it is meant for a non tax paying child .
8 And in this case the workers engaged in the production of luxury goods should now be seen as a social cost .
9 This is because in the first case the interest earned at the end of the first month can be reinvested in the second month ; in the second case , the whole interest does not accrue until the end of the second month and so is not available for reinvestment until then .
10 The seller may also wish to cancel in the event of the buyer 's insolvency or impending insolvency , but in this case the remedies granted by the SGA coupled with cl 5 are sufficient to deal with the issue in most cases .
11 In this case the mother submitted to the judge that to order the removal of the child from the United Kingdom back to Canada would expose him to a grave risk of being placed in an intolerable situation .
12 In each case the property obtained by the creditor is subject to a trust set up by the testator .
13 We undertook a longer-term analysis , to see what part the media played in the Conservative recovery .
14 In last year 's budget the Chancellor estimated for a deficit , or public sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) , of £28 billion in the current year .
15 In last year 's budget the Chancellor estimated for a deficit , or public sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) , of £28 billion in the current year .
16 While they reject the instrumentalist accounts of power , which assume that any and all actions by the state must serve the interests of the ruling class directly , in the last instance the constraints imposed upon the state by the private ownership of the means of production severely limit the long-term freedom of manoeuvre of the state .
17 Before the action came on for trial the defendant applied for an adjustment of his liabilities under the Liabilities ( Wartime Adjustment ) Act 1941 .
18 In Nucella the hole bored through the victim 's shell is large enough to take the proboscis , and the whelk does not need to alter position on its prey once the hole is completed .
19 In the same timeless instant the gun bucked in the Prophet 's fist , and Curtis flinched as the passenger window imploded , lashing his right cheek with stinging fragments of glass .
20 It will be open to the arbitrator to order the person losing the case to pay the winner the fee charged by the lay representative .
21 However , consider the sort of lexical content you would expect to find associated with the forms treatment , landing , party and basin in a dictionary entry , and note how finding the forms embedded within a co-text constrains their interpretation .
22 In some instances constraints would be imposed indirectly through the imposition of a duty to provide reasons ; in other cases the courts hinted at the limits they would set , such as if the decision was perverse or made in bad faith .
23 In many such cases the evidence created by the satisfaction of the criteria is defeated by other evidence ; for example , we see him wincing and holding his stomach , but we know that he has done this at this point in the play every evening this week , and hence we are not justified in believing here what similar evidence of the same sort would perfectly justify elsewhere .
24 These were to be based on a number of polytechnics and other further education establishments which already possessed strong departments of management and in some cases the designation related to a single establishment and in others to a grouping of two or more colleges .
25 In such cases the code used in the quotation need not be that used by the original speaker : its force derives from the fact that it is different from the code of the part of the turn in which it is embedded .
26 For technical reasons the values recorded on the ground are for areas measuring 57 m along the scan lines and 79m between scan lines .
27 The court may extend or abridge the time appointed by the rules for doing any act or taking any step in the proceedings either before or after the time has elapsed ( s 376 ) .
28 In addition the company suffered from the introduction of mechanical skin strippers into many UK abattoirs , which interfered with the quality of output .
29 In addition the time taken for the phase current to decay becomes important at high speeds , because the phase current continues flowing ( through the freewheeling diode ) beyond the excitation interval dictated by the drive transistor switch .
30 Section three deals with the nineteen ninety three ninety four revenue budget , the main points for this year are that a similar saving on inflation in excess of two hundred thousand pounds can be put towards the extra items of expenditure listed in paragraph three point four , that will fall to the committee 's budget in nineteen ninety three ninety four , in addition the savings generated by the renegotiated electricity maintenance contracts contributes another eighty two thousand pounds , this leaves some two hundred and thirty thousand pounds of the extra commitments still to be financed .
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