Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] only [verb] his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Florian 's face had lit up and the questions he started asking fizzed with enthusiasm , but Maria knew that the exchange would only drive his restlessness into temporary remission , not cure it .
2 A performer can only prove his talent by performing — meanwhile by their subscriptions members play an important part in making Equity effective .
3 Patrick could only shake his head .
4 Yet , faced with the necessity for resolute leadership , at this time of trial , Sir Patrick could only declare his satisfaction with the present policy and say he did not anticipate many changes .
5 A new Commission is due to be elected at the end of the year , and it is possible that Van Miert may only hold his post until then .
6 Venables could only shake his head , and you wonder now whether he will begin to exert even more influence on the playing side of things at Tottenham .
7 But , as to clinching things , Stavrogin is not Tikhon , which evokes another of my dicta : Dostoevsky could only satisfy his urge towards crisis and clarity by surrendering it to the enemy .
8 He embraces suicide as deed , as the one true act in a false world , as supreme podvig , as feat to end feats , God-killing , god-making ; and in doing so he exemplifies , as others before and Ivan Karamazov after him , the truth that Dostoevsky can only satisfy his hunger for crisis and clarity by bestowing it on the enemy .
9 Liberal Lothario Paddy Ashdown can only hope his poll share keeps growing .
10 That was all , because , when he sat down , people could only see his coat and his shirt , which were not very old .
11 Paradoxically the woman is also inside the bottle offered but inaccessible ; thus the spectator/consumer can only quench his desire by reading the magazine .
12 The Secretary of State may only exercise his power under section 61(1) of the Act of 1967 to release on licence a prisoner serving a life sentence if : ( a ) the Parole Board has recommended he should do so ; and ( b ) he has consulted with the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge if available .
13 As a good friend of mine once commented , ‘ If man could only see his aura , he would never go to war . ’
14 He took this to be a truth ‘ so near and obvious to the mind , that a man need only open his eyes to see ’ it .
15 The key to the repressive discipline advocated in this manual of behaviour is that it is to be the means by which man is liberated from all that thwarts his true nature , just as the dancer can only use his body expressively if he trains his muscles : " those move easiest who have learnt to dance " .
16 And the example set by Chanel Plus in France can only improve his chances of success in England .
17 Paralysed from the neck down , Bundini could only move his eyes .
18 The courts have said that the general skills of an employee are his property and the employer can only protect his property — business secrets .
19 Finally , in desperation , Aenarion offered himself , saying he would cast himself into the sacred fire if Asuryan would only save his people .
20 Still numbed , Vologsky could only shake his head dumbly .
21 Without share certificates , a client can only sell his stocks ( even if listed ) through the dealer he bought them from , at that dealer 's price , which may well not be competitive .
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