Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have [vb pp] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The huge " club fender " of early Edwardian times should have held on to its proper suggestions of Christmas , when a group of laughing guests sat there , full glasses in their hands , while child actors performed in a glittering pantomime , entrances and exits from behind the Christmas tree .
2 Top flight football should have come back to The Valley .
3 Expenditure on the programme will have built up to a minimum of £200,000 a year by 1986/87 .
4 Most of these traders and craftsmen will have contributed directly to the self-sufficiency of the local community , much like the average nineteenth-century village .
5 Perhaps Mr Dlouhy should have held on to his official Audi after all .
6 This could in principle have occurred smoothly : as profitability slid down , accumulation could have declined gently to a sustainable rate .
7 ‘ There is n't a budget for this , ’ says JWT 's joint managing director William Eccleshare , but a quick tally of advertising costs per paper shows the campaign could have cost up to £450,000 .
8 But it did not provide enough segregated schools and enough women teachers to educate the girls separately from the boys in all cases , and it did not have the strength to insist that girls should be educated in mixed schools by male teachers : most Libyan parents would have objected strongly to laws compelling mixed education .
9 The old lady would have walked back to her villa , but Miguel stopped her by closing the door , and insisting that she wait for a golf cart .
10 Some of these reservations about juries were shared by other officials , but the local bar would have objected strenuously to attempts to abolish or restrict the jury system .
11 The quick-witted will have gone instantly to the heart of the problem : what mysterious attribute distinguishes sport from games ?
12 By then governments may have woken up to a yet more radical option .
13 How ironic that someone who had held her spellbound as a child and had lingered in her imagination for years should have turned out to be so arrogantly cold and superior .
14 Surely Ashenden would have gone up to the Pay-Out desk immediately , if he 'd been there especially since that was the only time he was going to be in the betting-shop .
15 According to congressional estimates , the public subsidies would have cost up to $150,000,000 for a two-year election cycle .
16 ‘ Señora Sunderby should have flown straight to Punta Arenas , but instead she stopped off in Lima .
17 His wife must have understood enough to be jealous of the girl .
18 Sturt , with his unrivalled knowledge of Australian geography and zoology , had much to say on the subject , and his observations must have contributed greatly to Gould 's views .
19 sure , there may be some thinking that , there may also though be er if you move through to the forties you 're , y you 're twenty years on from the nineteen twenties , you , you 've had and you 've had deterioration in agricultural conditions er as , as we 've seen you 've got erm increasing landlord absenteeism , you , you 've got a downward , an upward pressure on rent in terms of how much was having to be paid in real terms , all of those things might have come together to , to , to push the peasant over and to push him outside .
20 The one hundred and fifty million pound development would have created up to seven hundred jobs.But Coca Cola says it ca n't be built yet because of the recession .
21 If only she had listened more often to her voices , how much better things would have turned out to be .
22 Something in her manner must have got through to him , for when she turned abruptly towards the sitting-room without another word he followed her , his face clouding .
23 He was dressed in traditional subfusc brown with a ragged sweater and a Viyella check shirt that his father must have handed down to him , and addressed Jack as if the status of professional golfers had not changed since the thirties .
24 Joe should have gone back to school the previous week but it was being used as an evacuation centre .
25 The same economic and social conditions in the plains area might have led only to loss of soil fertility but not to wholesale soil erosion and environmental collapse .
26 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
27 ‘ If we had given this young lad the car , people could have come back to us and said we had broken the rules , ’ the hotel owner said .
28 Times was hard , and he had the advantage over the insurance company of knowing that his profits might be tapering off in the near future , and he thinks , ah , I 'll get , er , I 'll take out a Permanent Health Insurance , based on my present income to protect seventy-five , because I know in about three or four years time , my income would have gone down to about sixty per cent of what it is , so .
29 But by nineteen ninety one , that had turned in to a deficit of a hundred million and one prediction suggests the deficit would have widened dramatically to six hundred and forty million pounds by the end of the decade .
30 But we had to move quickly otherwise Colin would have gone back to Barnsley because his loan spell was over . ’
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