Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have [vb pp] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Cos our Corrinne must have fetched me some drinking chocolate she fetched me .
2 In spite of this one likes to think that the dinosaurs could have engineered their own continuing survival , building upon the immense advantages that large brain and body size confer .
3 Dr Neil could have given her several answers , beginning with the beautiful hands lying in her lap which had visibly never done a stroke of work in their owner 's life , but said instead , ‘ A strange place for a young lady like yourself to look for it . ’
4 I do n't believe that the fans would have caused me any problem .
5 They were n't used to the cheek-by-jowl contact it entailed ; the notion of living in the state of interdependence that bound Dora Lavender and Rose Kettle would have horrified them both .
6 And he goes no , he goes oh I 'm surprised I thought Johnny would have told you all of it .
7 He did n't seem upset that it was empty and Trent had the feeling that , given the chance , the President would have poured himself another whisky and drunk it for something to do rather than from desire for alcohol .
8 The fright we 've given ourselves in recent months will have done us some good if it helps us adjust society back in the direction of common purposes and co-operative disciplines .
9 It was my impression that slightly casual management may have turned them all to vinegar .
10 I suppose the divorce must have affected her more than anyone realised . ’
11 A little foresight might have shown them that spending less on early hospitality and a bit more on the venue would have saved them time , money and trouble overall .
12 She found it hard to understand how her parents could have deceived her all her life .
13 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
14 He could not understand how the West could have allowed it all to take place .
15 She was n't at all sure she wanted to be shown this short-cut through the woods , although Isabelle must have used it many times , when she was living at Les Hiboux and working at the château .
16 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
17 Dr Greene must have given you all the facts . ’
18 The purchaser will have conducted its own investigation of the vendor 's business in the negotiations which lead up to either an agreement in principle or a more formal acknowledgement of agreement by the use of heads of terms ( see Chapter 1 , page 9 ) .
19 ‘ A thought of that two months back might have spared you this grief now .
20 Buchanan could have told you that .
21 ‘ I had hoped that joining Derry would have given me some hunger back for the game but it just has n't happened , ’ said Doherty .
22 The guide should have made us all stand to attention and salute .
23 Bush should have trusted his own misgivings about attending the dinner , confessing he knew it would be ‘ something sorrowful and sad ’ .
24 For Constantine , of course , God the Father would have entailed nothing more than new nomenclature for Sol Invictus , the sun god who already commanded his personal allegiance .
25 The manager would have had them all in at 8 a.m. , forcing them to try on the latest zipper tops over their Iron Maiden T-shirts , and making them practise slouching around the sales floor trying to look cool in clothes designed to save lives in sub-zero temperatures .
26 She could n't go back and face them all — not now , not when Marianne would have told them all about her criminal father , doubtless revelling in every sad little detail , probably creating a few more just to spice the story up still more .
27 Before the dealers could say Jack Robinson let alone sell their clients out their teamleader would have offloaded his own stock , making a handsome profit for himself .
28 However , the Government should have done something this year to mitigate the costs of that 20 per cent .
29 Celtic chiefs , Anglo-Saxon kinglets and the ecclesiastical dignitaries of medieval and early modern Europe must have maintained their own schools of specialized craftsmen absolved from the common round of labour .
30 John Crabb would have captained it all , had he not been captured ; but other shipmen were eager to lead .
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