Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] you [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Richard would you like a chunk of cheese ?
2 Closing pits , the dash for gas , that 's what privatization results in , the quick buck , buddy can you spare a pound for the water meter , VAT on fuel , how many more will die ?
3 Question two : if you want to avoid heart attacks should you drink a pint of milk a day ?
4 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
5 Me : If you have shirts of five colours can you make a prediction at this point ?
6 Right okay erm what other things could you use a pie chart for ?
7 Anita would you get a reading book love and sit and read it ?
8 Shall I make you a drink would you like a tea or coffee ?
9 But at what age should you allow a child out alone ?
10 What advice would you give a manufacturer of robots concerning the promotion of his products in Britain ?
11 The C E C when they 're talking about motions sometimes say that they accept them with the qualification and I 'd like to say to Congress this morning will you accept a qualification from the branch moving this to say that we are talking about groups of members and their needs not individuals ?
12 Only if you think he 's making a mistake should you say a word — then you have to have the courage of your convictions .
13 And ( like most Poets ) shou 'd you want a Friend ,
14 Instead of answering Would you like a glass of beer ? with Yes I would like a glass of beer we can just say Yes I would knowing that like a glass of beer will be understood .
15 Could we go round the room , Susan could you say a sentence .
16 My father was one of them , and when ‘ Buddy Can You Spare a Dime ? ’ topped what was then the hit parade , its lyrics summed up the poverty , dependence and despair of the millions of poor throughout the world .
17 Alright let me ask you something then , off the top of your head how many closes could you put a name to ?
19 Rose would you consider a man , I 've got an idea there might still be a possibility of Mr
20 In an era of corporate football with executive boxes , share-issues and hostile take-over bids , only a Scottish internationalist down on his luck could utter the immortal words , ‘ Brother Can You Spare A Dime ’ .
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