Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] [adv] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The child 's response may be either manual pointing or eye pointing .
2 Miller has shown that the differences in the derived base level may be very great depending upon which course is adopted .
3 Moreover , goals relate to situations , so arousal may be as much situational as internal ; we may be aroused by the presence of others and the knowledge that other people are evaluating us , thereby linking goals or values important to us to the situation in which we find ourselves .
4 Without new taxing powers , local authorities would come to depend more and more on help from the National Exchequer and , since he who pays the piper calls the tune , the result must be even stronger central influence over local decisions .
5 Furthermore , if such an event occurred , everyone recognized that the PLO would be under intense external pressure to sacrifice the refugee right of return .
6 Once the outside interest and stimulation of a full-time job has gone , the greatest enemy can be too much unfilled time .
7 There , if the person with the benefit says ‘ no ’ , the alternative can be relatively time-consuming expensive and uncertain .
8 Simons has suggested that drugs preventing the fusion between the lysosome membrane and the piece of membrane surrounding entering viruses might be very effective anti-viral agents .
9 Originally de Gaulle hoped to sever important economic and strategic areas from Germany : the Ruhr industrial basin would become an international asset , its resources tapped for the benefit of all mankind ; the coal-rich Saarland would be in economic union with France ; the Rhineland would be under permanent military occupation .
10 Imports will be more expensive relative to home-produced goods .
11 Our team will be as near full strength as possible , although once again injuries are beginning to dog us .
12 However , we have the same problem as with ‘ Little Bangs ’ : white holes should be extremely obvious cosmic phenomena , broadcasting powerfully in every region of the energy spectrum , and yet we can find no trace of them .
13 The distance between the cusps on shingle beaches is usually of the order of 5 m ( 15 ft ) , but on sandy beaches may be much greater ranging up to over 60 m ( 200 ft ) ( Russell and Macmillan , 1952 ) .
14 Mallachy could be too damn serious for fun .
15 The French government tried to save money by accrediting the consul-general it sent to Japan in 1858 also as chargé d'affaires ( a device quite often used outside Europe , mainly in minor Latin-American states where it was expected that political relations would be very much subordinate to commercial ones ) .
16 Jack would be very much surprised if his friend would n't be living in one of those houses in Ploughman 's Lane like the one where he sometimes did electrical jobs with real old French furniture and real oil paintings and the kind of china you looked at but did n't eat off .
17 Another example would be that two parallel lines have one kind of structure , but two lines that cross have quite a different structure — and whether they are straight or curved in turn affects the structural relationship .
18 Yet , the one does not preclude the other : this course would be only one extra input into Christian Aid 's existing funding of action/reflection in the Third World .
19 My initial stocking would be either six White Clouds or one or both of the plecs .
20 Another way of looking at it is to think of an actor who rehearses and rehearses his lines in order that his performance may be as near perfect as possible on opening night .
21 A distressingly high proportion of the records from November to March relate to oiled birds , and the species may be more numerous offshore in the winter than our records indicate .
22 Lord Cherwell commented that without nuclear weapons Britain would be just another European state .
23 The centre will be fully operational early in January to meet the needs of the less abled .
24 Likewise it is often not sufficiently recognised that the ‘ state ’ which would supposedly execute the progressive measures might be very much disinclined to do so and anyway may be the object of considerable public mistrust .
25 A more satisfactory explanation might be that different moral considerations apply for different people in similar situations .
26 As explained above , some students may be perfectly well able to discriminate between tones , but have difficulty in labelling them as ‘ fall ’ , ‘ rise ’ , etc .
27 In a manufacturing firm typically the budgets will be more complex due to the production process itself being complex .
28 One of the points to emerge in later chapters will be that eminent scientific figures have rarely been typical representatives of the religious traditions in which they were nurtured .
29 I think history can be so many different things to different people , and it 's partly a matter of the way in which you are taught , it 's partly a matter of what you 're taught .
30 By placing one foot behind the other , as in figure B , the standing position can be very much improved , resulting in our whole structure being much more at ease .
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