Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [adv] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also , cash-bloated film and television tycoons formed one important group of new collectors of contemporary art in the Eighties , and since the entertainment business is often the last industry to feel the pinch of a national economic recession , artists may also be retreating to the comfort of their remaining sure sources of income .
2 Some local authorities may simply be colluding in a ‘ process of social exclusion ’ .
3 There is some evidence ( ILEA , Oxfordshire ) that LEAs may also be responding to the view that the arts coordination is more consistently served in advisory services by a single member of staff with cross-arts responsibilities than through the informal cooperation of individual arts subject advisers .
4 Pesticides may also be contributing to the fall of the hare .
5 Hairdressing salons , dry cleaners , photographic developers and petrol stations are other places of work that may cause ill health Those working in offices may also be suffering from workplace exposure — to photocopier fumes , for example , or to solvents released by erasing liquids ( Tippex etc ) , glue , carbon paper , chipboard and plywood .
6 In order to counter the effects of this drop in trade and profitability , and at the same time ensure a successful and profitable year in 1992 , companies within the hotel and catering industry should now be looking at making savings in time and money , while at the same time improving their service to the customer .
7 The car would now be calling for him at seven .
8 If this advice had been taken , we would now have a Labour government with Liberal Democrat support , and the two parties would jointly be working on reforms to the voting system to ensure that it more accurately represents the will of the people .
9 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
10 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
11 The formal publication stage is much the same when it comes to record content — peer and institution review will still be looking for the same things .
12 The yarn , following the path of the carriage will now be lying across the needles in E position .
13 UNIVERSITY STATUS : The Privy Council has granted Luton College the power to award its own research degrees and the college will now be applying for a change of title to the University of Luton .
14 Both parents may also be coping with the doubts and identity crises which are common to midlife as well as to adolescence .
15 Girl should either be suffering from same disease or is not interested in sex otherwise .
16 Winger Andrei Kanchelskis must still be struggling with his English — he gave the impression he had n't heard the news .
17 Theology must somehow be playing on a different pitch , with revelation determining the rules and faith the outcome .
18 At first we thought that the foragers might simply be suffering from some sort of apian hydrophobia , but when we increased the distance of the feeding station so that the dances indicated the far side of the lake , recruits turned up in great numbers .
19 One fantasy was proving especially obdurate : as he entered his office , the telephone on his desk would actually be bouncing on its console — Hugh Sixsmith , from The Little Magazine , his voice urgent but grave , with the news that he was going to rush Alistair 's screenplay into the very next issue .
20 Head teacher of Bentley School , Philip Callaway , told the Herald that during the week , the children 's topic work would also be looking at changes in everyday life over the 150 years .
21 Miranda frowned at the rain ; her visitors would shortly be arriving at the village hotels , for she had decided to hold the KITS annual sales conference weekend at Saracen .
22 It could be faked by rear projection or front projection : but the first would be quite obviously phony , unless lit with uncommon skill and the second would probably be restricting in terms of movement — certainly the camera could not track sideways .
23 I also announced that Robert Lindsay would soon be appearing on the London stage in the title role of a classic story .
24 If a Prime Minister indicated that he wished to resign because he was ill , the Queen would indeed be acting in accordance with constitutional law if she were then and there to accept his resignation and appoint a successor after taking whatever soundings seemed appropriate .
25 Ancestral gulls therefore probably learned to fly away from gulls pointing their bills from an upright posture ; the posture would then be acting as a threat signal .
26 This year management will also be looking for concessions on working practices .
27 The Exhibition Gallery Bays will also be teeming with diverse activities .
28 The Exhibition Gallery Bays will also be teeming with diverse activities .
29 Given that a year 's ACT capacity will normally be falling outside the ‘ six year ’ period at each year-end , a company with potential surplus ACT problems will need to act promptly .
30 Allsorts of costs may well be impinging on this .
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