Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] seen to [be] " in BNC.

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31 Strategic development plans are best managed as portfolios , that is , during the development period early successes must be seen to be delivered , thus ensuring a continuous flow of systems products to maintain interest and commitment to the system from all users .
32 The Chairman will take control on behalf of this two colleagues , and the Court will be seen to be run by the Magistrates , and the Clerk will be there as their legal adviser on procedure and any legal points that arise .
33 The logic factor can be seen to be bimodal in this part of its range .
34 The more sociological aspects of psychoanalytic theory appear now to be based on firmer foundations , for the theory of the development of the person can be seen to be grounded in the therapeutic encounters of psychoanalysis .
35 As the NHS enters the 1990s , its organisation can be seen to be undergoing a ‘ third wave ’ of change .
36 In this context , management development can be seen to be any learning experience undergone by those holding managerial roles in an organisation .
37 Moreover , such a policy would be seen to be libertarian , in that it genuinely trusted people to spend their own money in ways they prefer , rather than trying to bribe them into centrally determined consumption patterns .
38 Older people will be seen to be contributors to the prosperity of others , rather than a drain on national resources , as they are now often , wrongly , depicted .
39 These equations may be seen to be identical to ( 12.32 ) and ( 12.33 ) with Ψ and Φ replacing X and w .
40 And the operation must be seen to be multinational , so the UK contingent should ideally be increased to brigade strength — which underlines the case for reprieving the Highland regiments .
41 The Government must be seen to be green .
42 The fabric of our society would be seen to be the ridiculous thing it is .
43 Of course , no matter how explicit these conventional procedures are or how scrupulously they are used , some cases will arise , as the sample cases showed , when the instructions will be seen to be unclear or incomplete .
44 The statue of Henry VIII which has pride of place above the gate will be seen to be holding a chair leg .
45 For example , successive homeobox genes can be seen to be active , the further away from the polarizing region the cell is .
46 It will be a slow journey , in which progress will be seen to be made in stages rather than continuously .
47 Simple practice without analysis may be seen to be part of the craft tradition ; crafts people and their wares not being subject to literary criticism in the way that arts people are and historically have been .
48 But even Rolls-Royce must be seen to be moving with the times .
49 The links with the sixth form must be seen to be strong 80 that the risk of leakage to the county provision at 16 is minimised .
50 Similarly , any leading capitalist country which wishes to exert hegemonic influence over the other capitalist economies must be seen to be capable of defending those political and strategic interests which its economic supremacy has given it .
51 The condition of a book must be seen to be realised , and condition more than anything else nowadays dictates value and will continue to dictate it .
52 Emphasis must be put on the task , individuals must accept the need to modify their views for its sake , and group effort must be seen to be superior to individual effort .
53 In that event science must be seen to be relevant to the issues which concern them .
54 These idealised sentences often turn out to be based , in fact , on the conventions of written language in the academic sub-culture and these linguists could be seen to be perpetuating , albeit in more sophisticated terms , the older , ideological conception of writing as the model for speech .
55 We must recognise that it will have to be the consumer who pays , and it is up to animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA to ensure that the increased price for food will be seen to be acceptable because of an improvement both in animal welfare and environmental protection .
56 In the final section ( 3.7 ) , we give a table of quantitative data from these three passages , so that our analysis can be seen to be based on " hard evidence " .
57 Where the issue of assessment and examining in the arts becomes problematical is in those instances where the justification can be seen to be overtly influenced by external factors .
58 Thus the difference in the polarization of the approaching waves in this situation can be seen to be equivalent to the rotational parameter in the Kerr solution .
59 Commerce can be seen to be more closely regulated from the late seventh and eighth centuries onwards in the form of manufacturing and trading centres ( Hodges 1982a ) , although these certainly do not necessarily imply free trade ; in fact , quite the opposite , for the evidence from Saxon Southampton , Hamwic , indicates that the craftsman there were as tied and organised as the rural ‘ peasantry ’ .
60 The degree to which the ESSE/L Project can be seen to be radical either as an initiative , or in its actual impact in schools , depends on how close it comes to one or other of these doctrines .
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