Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An initial contract may be for three years but we have to look further than that .
2 All other systems of social support should be for voluntary organizations of citizens to devise and subscribe to .
3 As the likelihood of restricting drivers to eight km/h for all but the shortest distances appears remote , the implication is that all shared-space areas must be for small groups of houses only or short culs-de-sac .
4 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
5 Not all visits would be for four weeks and not every Group would have exactly four visitors each year .
6 Their experience well illustrates Swords-Isherwood and Senker 's argument that the need will be for increased numbers of such workers , and that they should possess multiple skills : for example , electronics , electrical , and mechanical .
7 The first step in forging an alliance of Euro-Parliamentarians would be for national MPs to be invited to the special hearings on changes to the Rome Treaty being organised by the European Parliament .
8 The Fellowship will be for three years in the first instance .
9 It is anticipated that the usual request will be for all cross-references pointing to a given range of entries .
10 May apply to more than one contract , but ’ call off ’ orders should be for specific projects .
11 Consider policy should be for all nationals , ie persons born within pre-1939 frontier of an Allied country , to be handed over to Ally concerned This final sentence underlined how keen Eighth Army was by this time to " clear the decks " in its area .
12 The appointment will be for two years in the first instance .
13 The period of the fixed-term appointment will be for three years dating from until
14 The answer of course would be for all suppliers to put a ‘ sell-by or ‘ best before date on the boxes of test kits with a specific shelf life .
15 A further trend could be for increasing numbers of small transactions with individual investors becoming involved , providing both management expertise and money , as some of those who benefited from the earlier buyout boom recycle their profits .
16 Imagine how much more critical performance will be for industrial-strength applications involving multiple linked files with customized applications on top .
17 The Focus Activity asks you to choose an alternative way of delivering care ; to describe how this could be implemented in your situation ; and what the consequences might be for individual clients , costs and staffing .
18 Much everyday reasoning about causes , however , seems to demand perfect relationships : ‘ Smoking does n't cause lung cancer ; the man next door to us got lung cancer and he had never smoked a cigarette in his life ’ , implying that the only cast-iron proof would be for all smokers to get lung cancer and for no non-smokers to get
19 It 's incredible what an aphrodisiac the prospect of motherhood can be for some women .
20 ‘ One option would be for all schemes to be channelled through a single agency , so land managers only had one port of call for payments , ’ said the commission .
21 After much discussion , the decision is to make arrangements for a three-year transition , with batches of courses being transferred to the new format in time for student enrolment in September 1990 , 1991 and 1992 : in the latter year , all initial student enrolments will be for new-style courses .
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