Example sentences of "[noun] [be] that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The principal charges against Latimer were that he had made improper profits out of the campaign in Brittany and that he was responsible for the loss of Bécherel and Saint-Sauveur .
2 ‘ The problem with Andy is that he has played so rarely we have yet to get him into our pattern of play .
3 I think he was n't much of a horseman , perhaps had n't been in the regiment very long ; and the great achievement in his eyes was that he had managed to do that long and difficult gallop without falling off .
4 Marx 's major claim for his own work was that he had discovered certain inexorable laws which operated in history and which were comparable in their workings to laws operating in the physical universe such as the law of gravity .
5 Dr. Eric Ashby , vice-chancellor of Queens University , Belfast , was named as chairman ; one of his advantages was that he had avoided publicising his personal views on adult education in the past , although he later emerged as a staunch defender of voluntaryism and a critic of those university extra-mural departments which had expanded by lowering standards .
6 His other concession to fame is that he has turned one room of his house in Oswestry into his office where his sister-in-law is his full-time secretary , though she also helps Woosnam 's wife , Glyndreth , with their young family .
7 A possible scenario is that he had turned to leave the church when he was attacked from behind . ’
8 But the fathers also insisted , and believing Christians have proclaimed it ever since , that although we do not fully understand the relationship between God and the Devil , the inescapable fact about Satan is that he has declared war on God and his creation .
9 The point is that he has provided one ; and one which even Labour 's nationalist wing is little equipped to dispute .
10 ‘ My obvious reaction was that he had gone to help her , ’ Mr Clarke , a community affairs officer who was travelling to police headquarters , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court .
11 What Bennet did not tell the conference was that he had designed special shrouds for the exhaust ports , and his Group engineer had them made up in the local village smithy .
12 Amiss had to restrain his impatience , knowing as he did that a distinguishing feature of Blenkinsop was that he had enjoyed any wine , as long as there was enough of it .
13 Hurtled The plan was for his main chute to open at 3,000ft but it did not open and he hurtled to conclusion of the association 's investigation was that he had failed to locate the ripcord handle .
14 The evidence was that he had worked in the UK for 40 weeks and in Italy for 50 weeks .
15 His greatest strength since his appointment was that he had steered clear of the Watergate scandal .
16 Perhaps the most important consequence of Habermas 's ‘ rediscovered ’ dialectics of the subject is that he has distinguished his version of critical theory from any possibility of material determination — even in the last instance .
17 ‘ My concern is that he 's got to protect family morals — and this does n't help .
18 The obvious reason is that he has killed or driven into exile all opposition .
19 I think the most likely thing is that he 's had some sort of accident .
20 Peter Bergg , prospective Liberal Democrat candidate for Darlington : ‘ The disgusting thing is that he has borrowed to pay for tax cuts .
21 Should any one ask how Plato 's discernment of divine creation and even of the divine Triad could be so close to the now known truth , the answer is that he had read the books of Moses on his visit to Egypt .
22 He says his only reason for deciding to kill Caesar was that he had committed himself to help the general public .
23 His line was that he 'd lost contact with Malcolm because he could only stand to be with him for so long at a stretch .
24 The answer was that he had flown out quite coincidentally to attend a wedding .
25 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
26 The genius of the football supporter is that he has managed to convert something as unappetizing and unpromising as an English football season into something from which he can take pleasure .
27 The patient 's problem is that he has joined a group of unfamiliar people , some of whom , the patients , are present all the time ; others , the nurses , are in his vicinity for some of the time ; and a whole variety of others appear ‘ to come and go ’ .
28 Despite denials from both parties , managing director Garry Hawkes FHCIMA withdrew his nomination for presidency of the HCIMA in order to concentrate on business , and a few months later the story circulating was that he had put together a management buyout package .
29 Weinberger 's stated position was that he had disapproved of the entire operation .
30 He had felt the need , though , to take into account the super-sensitive relations between these two teams , and if the biggest surprise was that he had addressed gentle caution to the English management as well , they having been innocent , faraway onlookers during the shenanigans , it was because he recognised that they too nursed feelings of exasperation and he imagined that they might soon have burst uncontrollably into flames .
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