Example sentences of "[noun] [be] to the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The majority cited was not in fact the Belorussian Communists , since Russians predominated : the reference was to the Belorussian ethnic majority in the republic 's population .
2 For the de Klerk government it 's a political as well as social problem and controlled black urbanisation is to the white right wing , a vivid example of the evils of political reform and will be a dominant issue in any election or referendum ; but there appears to be no alternative .
3 A favourite outing was to the nearby medieval castle of Pierrefonds , which the Emperor had given his wife as a present and which was being restored by the architect Viollet-le-Duc .
4 But for some strange reason , and I do n't know whether they direct it to Christian the last shot of the film , almost unnoticeable because the credits were going up she went back into church and it was a communion service and all you saw was her receiving the bread and passing the plate and the plate was to the young black lad on the farm and you thought , he 's come back !
5 The herring was to the Eastern European Jew what potatoes were to the Irish , which is surprising , for the herring is a salt-water fish and in Russia and Poland one rarely got a glimpse of the sea .
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