Example sentences of "[noun] [be] turn [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just as in reverse discourse the categories of subordination are turned back upon the regimes of truth which disqualify , so this ‘ other ’ sensibility is in part affirmed as an inversion and absence of sensibility 's traditional criteria .
2 But meanwhile many Japanese eyes are turning back to the root cause : policy co-ordination and America .
3 In order to stop the printer echo being turned off at the end of the CLI command file , the CLI is suspended with the " .
4 The engine was started up , revving violently as the car was turned round on the narrow road .
5 An action begun in Glasgow for possession of the books , papers and effects was turned down on the grounds that the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not registered in Scotland and that the complaint had therefore been raised " without title or authority " , though these effects were , claimed Shinwell , later handed over " for the sake of peace and quiet " .
6 Later , the mill was turned over to the turning and manufacture of wooden items .
7 Many of these buyers are turned off by the sleek lines and road-sensitive ride of classy European marques such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz .
8 The row , which inflamed doctors , was immortalised by the pictures of ‘ battling Granny Esther Brookstone ’ , the leader of Charing Cross Hospital 's branch of the National Union of Public Employees , demanding that the new hospital 's ‘ penthouse floor ’ of private beds be turned over to the NHS .
9 In terms of progressing or taking part in the discussion , can I suggest that if you want to come in on a particular item , you put your name board up like that , so that we can readily observe it er and equally , our friend who is looking after the microphones can make sure that the vol the volume of your microphone is turned up at the appropriate time .
10 If his estimate was wrong , batting was turned over to the rivals .
11 The hill farms generally have small fields near the valley bottoms , larger rough grazing ‘ in-bye ’ areas which adjoin the open hill , and common hill land where sheep , ponies , and occasionally cattle are turned out during the summer .
12 An initial scheme not to include the College of Art in the Polytechnic was turned down by the DES .
13 Its significance , in terms of the legal consequences which would follow , can be assessed , however , only by drawing a crucial distinction between the situation where the patient requests that further support be terminated , and that where the ventilator is turned off without the consent of the patient .
14 The offer was turned down by the then philistine government ( history repeats itself ? ) and the collection returned to Tabley House .
15 Here , the Conciliation Committee had rejected the union 's advice on an acceptable settlement and the Ministry of Shipping 's offer was turned down by the men after a ballot vote .
16 But what commits the muscle to this final pathway and what ensures that all the necessary genes are turned on at the same time ?
17 Invitations were turned down on the grounds that ‘ we would only have to ask them back ’ .
18 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
19 The music was turned down at the request of a fat man who was actually trying to sleep through all the noise .
20 Battling Dave Cannon sprayed a whole trailer-load of the cow muck over a council building after plans for his retirement bungalow were turned down for the fourth time .
21 We do have the Wolfe report but unfortunately not for the want of effort , the Wolfe report is turning out like the Black report and others and I do n't say that because there was a gentleman who done a report Black and it is gathering dust , the Wolfe report is on the same shelf , I believe .
22 Thirdly , as regards the Science Policy Research Unit 's proposal to assess engineering research , no member of the unit has claimed that the project was turned down by the Social Science Research Council because of ‘ lobbying by outsiders ’ .
23 However , the Working Party report was turned down by the Council on the grounds that its proposals did ‘ not sufficiently reflect its value as an independent and impartial body for setting academic standards . ’
24 Suddenly , after a century of realism and what Rice calls ‘ little Protestant novels ’ , the tide is turning back towards the fantastical , towards ‘ magic , the extreme and the eccentric ’ .
25 In conclusion , although it is difficult to foresee the tide of interest and activity being turned back in the NHS , and a majority of DGMs believe that the new system has already delivered quality improvements ( Appleby et al.
26 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
27 Next , what is the law governing the situation when the respirator is turned off without the knowledge and consent of the chronically dependent patient ?
28 A similar move for this year was turned down by the Home Office .
29 A similar move for this year was turned down by the Home Office .
30 The first agrarian reform in the region took place in Mexico after the revolution and went through its most radical phase in the 1930s , when much good land was turned over to the ejidos , the public sector .
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