Example sentences of "[noun] [be] only just [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The standpoint of Coburn 's story was an extrapolation of machine intelligence , written at a time when computers were only just beginning to encroach into the commercial environment of Britain .
2 This aspect of his practice is only just beginning to change , but he intends to persevere with it , spurred on by the personal satisfaction he has derived from ‘ seeing them do their maths ’ .
3 All remembered and periodically still experienced the vicious attacks on them which the Communists were only just beginning to abandon .
4 They have weathered every kind of financial storm over the centuries and have skills which the public sector is only just beginning to learn .
5 The steady gaze was only just beginning to show a hint of scorn .
6 These comments may seem to apply only to the large international manufacturing corporation , but nowadays there is no business so small that it is immune to the effects of international competition , and many service businesses are only just beginning to feel these effects .
7 ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite , ’ he said .
8 He added : ‘ Our education reforms are only just beginning to bite .
9 Coulommiers is a small Brie , eaten very young when the surface mould is only just starting to appear , and Fongeru is similar but ripened in fronds of bracken and very difficult to obtain .
10 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
11 Intensive indoor rearing of livestock is relatively new and people are only just beginning to realise what it means for the animals .
12 The retreat movement is only just beginning to establish itself north of the Border and I feel strongly that a quiet space can be of real benefit in today 's hectic and stressful lifestyle . ’ ‘
13 But , in Britain , it was election year , and , in America , President Johnson was only just beginning to grasp the reins of power after Kennedy 's assassination , and so little political progress was made .
14 At that time , Mary 's mother had a strange , possessive relationship with another woman ; an affair which young Mary was only just beginning to understand .
15 Secondly , social scientists are only just beginning to develop procedures for evaluating the economic costs and benefits of innovative work design ; and , thirdly , little is known about the conditions under which these innovative job designs persist across time and diffuse across companies and countries .
16 Even though Plato wrote these words over two thousand years ago , we in the modern western world are only just beginning to resonate in harmony with his tune of truth .
17 The word pirate was perhaps not so strong a term of condemnation as in later centuries : European rulers were only just beginning to acquire for themselves , on behalf of their states , a monopoly of the use of force .
18 FA Cup Final fever may be dissipating but excitement is only just beginning to mount over plans for a croquet centre of excellence .
19 This aspect of evaluation is only just beginning to receive the attention it deserves .
20 At this time West German rearmament was only just beginning to gather momentum .
21 Under her left breast , whose pale skin was only just beginning to give up its bloom to death , was a tiny , dark-red blob , no bigger than a sand flea .
22 Trowark style is large , enveloping and extremely cosy with an almost indestructible quality — one five-year-old jumper seen by The Independent is only just beginning to look ‘ broken in ’ after years of frequent machine washing and hard wear .
23 This target looks realistic because Corning is only just starting to reap the rewards of patiently pursuing earlier long-term investments .
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