Example sentences of "[noun] [be] that [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I said at the time that reports are ALWAYS one sided when the score is 3–0 or 4–0 , this coupled with what I actually heard on radio 5 and what Ive seen of the goals is that Leeds had plenty of the ball , just found it hard to break a 6,7,8 man defence , and norwich looked dangerous on the counter attack .
2 The upshot of this long sessions was that Eliot asked me to send him all the relevant documents , which I did in a letter of 20 May .
3 The alternative was that Richard become my legal ward , and for that his father 's signed agreement was necessary .
4 He said he hopes to play well for Huddersfield etc , but his real dream is that Leeds sign him up again one day in the future .
5 So the simple answer to our question is that God wants us to find something useful in this passage from His word so that we — people who serve God — or , in the other translations , men and women of God — may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed .
6 The likelihood was that Oreste knew nothing about anything , and no one in Italy was ever spoken of .
7 Staff performance is discussed at some length , though since there is no formal training scheme or disciplinary procedure the usual result of any dissatisfaction is that Davenport says he will ‘ speak to ’ the offender .
8 The central point is that Descartes conducts his philosophising alone and immobile in his study , arguing as though that frozen quality characterised all language use .
9 The immediate consequence of the outbreak of war was that Lewis found his circle of friends broken up and changing .
10 The only difference was that Francis did it with more charm .
11 Anyway , the point was that Fagg left me alone and I left him alone .
12 ‘ Svend was n't very forthcoming , but the outcome was that Suzie packed her bags and left Copenhagen in high dudgeon yesterday morning .
13 The outcome was that Alfonso banished his most trusted vassal , giving him ten days to leave Castile and Leon .
14 Commercial reality : The reason for setting such public targets was that Shah wanted everyone , inside and outside BP Solar , to be absolutely clear about the company 's status .
15 One of the bigger problems was that Fergie believed I was taking the mickey out of him by either cheating or going soft and feigning injury .
16 The trouble was that Baldwin did it by the methods he had forsworn and that his words and his style of appeal had become alienated front his actions .
17 The trouble was that Melanie believed I was in bed with one of them every time I was half an hour late . ’
18 The trouble was that Arnold said he had had a letter from a Mr Anderson who wanted to caddie for him as well .
19 Last night the feeling at Westminster was that Mellor resembled him in only one respect — he may be gone for some time , too .
20 One reason is that IBM backs its unofficial motto — THINK — with action .
21 The really stupid thing is that Pardy got everything so wrong .
22 ‘ My understanding is that Luce said everything that needed saying in the letter she wrote to you . ’
23 The most depressing element in the whole situation is that Bush changed his objectives every week or two , and the British government followed every twist and turn in American policy , right up to the present .
24 Perhaps the answer is that Puddephat killed himself at the flat ? ’
25 The answer is that Billy got his hands on the rugby world cup .
26 The most remarkable thing about this letter was that Knox thought it worthwhile making his appeal even although five days earlier the Lords of the Congregation had taken decisive action .
27 Jim Lenehan , assistant manager at the Sheikh 's Kildangan Stud , confirmed that Royal Gait suffered a massive heart attack , and added : ‘ The sad part is that Graham said he had felt as good as ever as they came to the final flight . ’
28 ‘ The difficulty is that Perry does everything that bit better than Tristram .
29 A condition of rescheduling the debt was that Walker split his dual role at the top .
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