Example sentences of "[noun] [be] that [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The other advantages of a freezer are that it enables you to store food that can be brought out in an emergency when you have unexpected guests , or to store certain foods in bulk , such as bread , to save you from frequent trips to the shops .
2 My recommendation is that we scrap them for the ten year decade of evangelism as a trial period and then think again in AD 2000 !
3 The irony is that what gave me and other lesbians the
4 ‘ The greatest irony is that I thought he could help me in my research on rape , ’ she says .
5 I mean I one of the things that I 've always sort of had in mind is that we put it down in the reception area .
6 and the biggest tragedy is that I know you know what you want to say
7 The appeal of this closely-worked new study is that it presents him as a comprehensive human being .
8 But of course profit 's one thing , and income 's another thing , and I think the problem with most er forms of income type investment is that we spend it , it 's not a problem it 's just , it just happens .
9 ‘ When I told him , his reply was that he thought I had liked going there , and he burst out with , ‘ Thank goodness you told me .
10 Why else should I still be yearning after a man whom I knew to be a murderer while shrinking from the innocent Syl whose only crime was that I found him unattractive ?
11 All she knew of Travis was that he despised her and believed her to be a thief .
12 Well the theoretical advantages are that it makes it er a , a lot more er predictable for businesses to trade with Europe .
13 I think the idea is that Sun is that they see it as somebody 's gone poof poof want to be to write quickly and they would argue that a Sun reader has a sharp attention span .
14 And at each instant of its happening , its bitter-sweet wonder is that you know it ca n't last .
15 Erm , my proposal is that you keep them separately .
16 I mean , maybe what I 'm hearing from the committee is that we take it back and look at the criteria and the ground rules .
17 One key reason why leasing remains popular with companies is that it enables them to expand through investment without damaging cash flow .
18 What is the issue is that you expected me to stay and I did n't .
19 The importance of these articles is that they remind us forcibly of the false dawn which often surrounds new treatments .
20 Having learnt to cope happily on our own , the likelihood is that we find we are not alone after all .
21 Her biggest regret was that she found it necessary to keep its existence from David .
22 I think that the real reason that I wanted to do Total recall was that I knew it might make me famous which then might help me get better parts .
23 The other factor against a return was that I reckoned it only a matter of time before they stopped being DINKS ( double income , no kids ) and became WHANnies ( ‘ We have a Nanny ’ ) .
24 And I fancy that erm a large part of his animus against latterday Oxford philosophy was that he suspected it of covert idealism , erm a preoccupation simply with the knowing mind , insufficient attention to the facts of the world as presented by science .
25 ‘ Doc says the best bet , given the mark on her cheek is that someone slapped her one and she fell back .
26 The huge advantage of fame is that it gives me , for no proper reason , access to people that I would never otherwise have .
27 Another extremely useful feature of the Professional package is that it allows you to rotate a garment piece through any angle .
28 The value of counselling is that it allows you to state your points of view to each other , before a trained and unbiased third party who can help you to resolve the issues that bother you .
29 The danger is that they stop you looking .
30 If an owner dwelt in the township where his land was situated the logical inference is that he occupied it himself , although there was nothing to prevent him letting off part or all of it : the Langley Marish man Richard Collis features as ‘ tenaunt to ye Queene , in landes the yerely rente , vs ’ .
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