Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [that] it has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the most significant objection to the Act is that it has extended the scope of the common law exemption so that husbands are not criminally liable for acts of buggery or indecent assault perpetrated against their wives , save in the exceptional circumstances mentioned above .
2 The motion before such a committee is that it has considered an instrument , so that the only means of protest is to vote against the motion — in effect , deny doing what has been done !
3 A complaint made by radical criminology against its conservative counterpart is that it has ignored upper-world crime : fraud , corporate crime and white-collar crime .
4 One consequence is that it has caused substantial administrative problems for us .
5 The main point about the Caribbean crisis is that it has guaranteed the existence of a socialist Cuba .
6 One of the interesting aspects of the executive search business is that it has enabled some people , who have not been truly successful at other careers they have undertaken , to be more than successful in executive search .
7 The point is that it has taken players like Wallace and Hardenberger to contradict the cliches about the limitations of the instrument and to prove how flexible it really is .
8 One of the saddest effects of the radical trade unionism of recent years is that it has divided teacher from teacher , head teacher from staff , teachers from ancillary workers , schools from parents .
9 But the chances are it will still be there , and the evidence is that it has existed in a recognizable form throughout human history , everywhere in the world .
10 The problem for the potential incumbent is that it has to get enough customers signed up to enable the prices quoted to be profitable .
11 In Germany , the Bundespost Telekom 's argument is that it has to complete the reconstruction of eastern Germany 's telecommunications infrastructure before it can allow competition , Vallance said .
12 The parties ' best current estimate of night traffic is that it has dropped from 190 to 29 movements per night since Norfolk Line 's departure .
13 One of the unquestionable advantages of the growing use of computers by humanists is that it has done something to bridge the divide between two cultures — scientific and humanist — which many writers have lamented as threatening to fragment the community of scholars and the republic of learning .
14 Yes , I think I agree with everything that Elizabeth said , and I think this is why erm one of the things I very much feel is that it has to start with the schools , as well as at home , of course , when children are young .
15 The general effect of these four differences between health and education in relation to economic growth is that it has proved far more difficult and controversial to measure the impact of health on economic growth and where it has been attempted the effects have been estimated to be lower than those resulting from education .
16 However , the most damning indictment of the Conservative government 's record in housing is that it has presided over a massive increase in homelessness .
17 Another reason why language teaching has traditionally tended to be atomistic and bottom-up is that it has followed the historical development and procedures of linguistics .
18 The problem with New Right Conservatism is that it has to claim to be reducing the influence of the State in the field of welfare , health , income support and education , but has to maintain the strong State in the arena of law and order .
19 So successful has the state system been that it has lost only about 1 per cent of its operations to a private competitor under the system of tendering for the provision of local passenger services that was also introduced by the 1988 rail reforms .
20 But these days , with space at a premium , a room kept solely for dining is rare ; the chances are that it has to double as a work room , say for hobbies like model making , or as a quiet place where the family can get on with homework , studying or other paperwork .
21 Virgin 's boast is that it has grown organically and can continue to do so .
22 One reason why this recession is causing such alarm is that it has touched parts of rich countries ' economies that other recessions did not reach .
23 SIR Edward du Cann has been walking a financial tightrope for so long that the only surprise is that it has taken him so long finally to fall off .
24 We now have a splendid new bypass road for which thank you very much , the only problem is that it has halved the traffic but doubled the speeds .
25 The main problem in windsurfing is that it has developed so rapidly in the last ten years that boards only a few years old are very out of date and lack the features mentioned earlier .
26 Personally , I do not support that concept , but the fact is that it has given rise to a large number of settlements on the west bank and even in the Gaza strip .
27 I would be interested to know whether this has been successful in reducing speed and accidents , but my impression is that it has worked very well .
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