Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adj] [coord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And if the infrastructure of schools , health centres , roads and irrigation is to be created , governments will often need to borrow ; such investments are long-term and yield no direct cash returns , so private lenders are unlikely to be keen .
2 The adoral shield are wing-like and separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
3 The instances of the over-valuation of the male are endless and penetrate the entire curriculum ; more disturbing is the corresponding under-valuation of the female , and the fact that when women and girls do appear they often have negative images .
4 Examinations on the Modular course are termly and involve the registry the examinations office and the various examinations committees in considerable use of student management system data processing .
5 Its proposals are workable and provide a framework for services which can be applied at all levels from the government at the top right down to the professional worker in direct contact with the recipient of services .
6 Graphs are available and make the data easier to interpret .
7 Now times are hard and selling the family silver is one way of keeping Harcourt Manor in good condition .
8 The scattered nature of the food evidently makes dispersed foraging essential , since the animals are slow-moving and cover a small area each day .
9 Most clothes shops sell nothing we can wear , and specialist shops are expensive and offer a very limited range of images .
10 The bedrooms are pleasant and have a telephone .
11 All bedrooms are air-conditioned and have a balcony .
12 In the case of families where both husband and wife worked in the textile industry , joint role relationships were common and involved a large amount of sex role equality .
13 The porters were excellent and had the luggage in our rooms by the time we arrived — always the sign of a good hotel !
14 The previous chapters have established that human geography is fragmented and lacks a core , like several other contemporary social science disciplines , and that some human geographers are promoting the recreation of a form of regional geography to provide a needed integrating core .
15 If none of the candidates is suitable or fulfils the basic requirements of the job/personnel description think twice before appointing the best of a bad bunch .
16 Use of electronic mail is escalating and supplements the work of the student management system , for example , as a means of' transmission of reports , and of requests for information .
17 Methane is non-toxic and allows a large volume of H 2 to be removed , thereby potentially reducing any gas related symtoms .
18 The research is policy-related and involves the organisation of study groups to tap the expertise of those with operational experience of naval deployments .
19 The study is longitudinal and takes the reader through the process of moving in , living as a group , getting support , and looking to the future .
20 Narrow pocketed tape to make vertical rows approximately 30cm ( 12in ) apart ( gathering tape is suitable but ignore the draw cords ) .
21 The graphics are mean and moody , allowing freedom of exploration with the minimum of mapping , the setting is realistic and gives a real feeling of being there , and the puzzles — you 'll be scratching you head for weeks .
22 This is to certify that the above named is exempted from any form of medical examination and will not be asked any medical questions regarding this application for the NatWest Hospital Income Plan — PROVIDING THE APPLICANT IS ELIGIBLE AND RETURNS THE APPLICATION FORM BEFORE THE CLOSE DATE ABOVE
23 The art of our time is expansive : its need for space and light is particular and reflects the conditions in which it is produced .
24 The interpretation of the data is simple and requires a minimum amount of calculation .
25 The Tang is shy and hides a lot and has recently started to look a bit tatty and pale in colour , although he feeds well .
26 The undertaker 's trade card was explicit and left no one in doubt as to the range of items available from any one merchant .
27 Mr Justice Roch said that because the defendant was deaf and had a speech disability a social worker , Jill Hughes , would sit in the dock and translate .
28 There was a lot of opposition to our work , partly from the Russians because of their Marxist belief in scientific determinism , and partly from people who felt that the whole idea of singularities was repugnant and spoiled the beauty of Einstein 's theory .
29 The activities of these joint working parties was extensive and entailed the substantial involvement of teachers in Scotland in curriculum development work .
30 A third party should be entitled to assume that a person in an authoritative position within an organisation is competent to bind the organisation , and the organisation should not be able to plead violation of an internal rule unless ‘ that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental importance . ’
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