Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [v-ing] to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 but Napier are going to be teaching the course Napier
2 Four hundred veteran cars are going to be leaving London 's Westminster Bridge on Sunday , the start of the annual London to Brighton car run .
3 It 's very good for revision , because it 's the type of thing your clients are going to be asking you , and it 's the type of thing we 're going to be asking you tomorrow .
4 And after what 's happened to me Rosella 's going to be treading very carefully indeed . ’
5 Long term sick , I think we all know now that er Pat is going to be retiring on a pension in er beginning of May is it ?
6 The US Air Force is going to be installing 350 DEC Alpha AXP workstations by April .
7 For the first time in its brief history , the semiconductor industry is going to be making , and trying to sell , three generations of memory chips in large volumes at the same time .
8 Oswaldston 's going to be living off Walter Machin for a few years . ’
9 Nigel 's going to be turning in his grave .
10 This week the Action Team are going to be getting to grips with the Council Tax which came into effect from the 1st of April this year and affects us all .
11 Ralph Connelly is going to be spending the money he earns from it pretty soon .
12 If the outstanding quality of the Limited is any guide , the Motorsport team is going to be bringing many more smiles to people 's faces .
13 And I 'm quite sure that a major factor in their recovery is going to be knowing that their children are happy , and being well cared for . ’
14 Feasts are going to be cropping up from time to time as we move through the year , so it may be as well to explain that the word signifies , in Yorkshire , the yearly festival of the village or town .
15 He had devoted Sunday evening to making a plan of action and knew exactly what he and everyone else he could press into service was going to be doing this morning .
16 Fortunately , Jed was going to be sleeping at Mrs Neary 's that night ; they could n't have made more noise exploring the Hall if they 'd found it to be haunted .
17 Thinking of , for example , those summer vacation sessions you used to have with the Berlin players in Saint-Moritz in the 1960s and '70s , I am sure one day people are going to be looking back to all this as some great Golden Age that has now gone for good .
18 ‘ And after all the controversy involving Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis this summer , Lancashire and Surrey will be well aware that people are going to be looking at their performances .
19 Cos people are going to be sending you messages on it
20 The list goes on , I mean can you , can you make any sort of judgement about the sort of money you 're going to raise , if , if all these people are going to be taking part ?
21 ‘ But do n't fed any sense of anticlimax , because everyone here wants to meet you , and all sorts of parties are being arranged , and several people are going to be calling you in the morning . ’
22 ‘ Well , I do n't know , ’ says Charles , ‘ but I met this girl in television the other evening , and she said people are going to be dropping off your Matterhorn thing like fleas off a dog . ’
23 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
24 I talked them into it because at first they were scared , one because they thought they 'd get docked for it — but they said we could have half a day off for it and not get docked — and also because they thought Ros and Maureen were going to be looking down on them , " Oh , you 're only young girls ' , things like that .
25 And this afternoon Mike is going to be talking about nonconforming product control , corrective actions and internal quality audits .
26 So that that the leaflet 's going to be going out in a mega mailing .
27 Lugh was going to be playing a decisive part in this victory .
28 Italy are going to be defending their territory , they 've got all these teams in their country , and like , some of them ; England , Holland , German , they 're going to like be there on Italian sort of territory and they do n't want that , they 're going to be , there 's going to be trouble I think .
29 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
30 It hit me for the first time that the bands and comedians were going to be performing here for free , for John , for us .
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