Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
2 At midnight the church bells are sounded all over the city and the sky is full of all varieties of fireworks .
3 The teaching faculties and administrative offices are scattered all over the city but , forming a wonderful backdrop to King 's Parade , stands the Senate House .
4 ‘ Their pictures were spread all over the news bulletins .
5 Rather grudgingly a voice said , ‘ The Prime Minister ’ , and supporting voices were heard all over the room .
6 A. The high reputation of Sheffield cutlery is known all over the world .
7 Based on original sheep shears , 82 different models are exported all over the world .
8 It proves that winds are distributed all over the globe , and that the whole planet enjoys a circulatory system like — ’
9 These circumstances are mirrored all over the country and are linked with the lack of a firm policy framework at school , local authority and national level .
10 Footsteps are heard all over the building causing surprise and apprehension and expectancy in those visitors who have heard about the phenomena but have n't experienced it .
11 This concept of individual timetables enables us to get away from the focus on the family or household as an undifferentiated unit , and to understand something of the complex patterns which evolve when individuals ' lives are woven together over the period of their lifetimes .
12 Vast amounts of capital and capacity were installed all over the world in expectation of continuing rising demand and no technological change .
13 Less pure grades of graphite were discovered all over the world but none had the structure of the Borrowdale type .
14 They 're drawn to her eccentric style and now her work is exhibited all over the country .
15 Here the usual export formalities occur before the guitars are shipped all over the world .
16 Introducing the perspective of time also requires us to consider an individual 's ‘ lifetime ’ , and how the lives of specific individuals are woven together over the lifespan of each .
17 Not , well this one specifically this but er I mean there 's tapes being taken all over the place .
18 However the cry was raised all over the floor : " They 've removed their team leader " Some thirty young dealers applauded the courage of these two .
19 The dried blood from my nose was smeared all over the front of my mouth and it cracked when I tried to move my lips .
20 Then an attempt was made to get rid of it at 800 deg C in the west midlands but the incinerator needed to be at 1,200 deg C. The result was that the dioxins from Bolsover in the east midlands were transmitted all over the west midlands .
21 The place was deserted , there was no sign of the family , smashed furniture and household goods were strewn all over the place .
22 Apart from the problem of water being splashed all over the place , the dog may scratch the bath with its claws .
23 I am happy to add my voice to that of the hon. Gentleman to ensure that the facility is understood all over the country .
24 The SDRs were issued initially over the three-year period 1970 ; 72 , when SDR9 billion were issued ; a further SDR 12 billion were issued between 1979 and 1981 ( valued in pound sterling at roughly £15 billion ) .
25 We had a bit of a party in the Met Office that night , tearful farewells were said all over the place , and I departed the next morning with my kit and a bad headache , ready for whatever Fate had in store for me .
26 Aquaprivy : With this system the squatting slab is positioned directly over the septic tank and the inlet pipe extends below the water level in the tank .
27 The impact is felt all over the profession and not just by the larger firms .
28 That pattern was duplicated all over the subcontinent .
29 There are six , two in one department and four in another , I believe it is. erm if you look at erm the way our departments are dotted all over the City , on expensive leases in fact , we 've taken property after property to accommodate our staff and they all need cleaners , so on and so forth .
30 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
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