Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other name and course order lists are found useful in general library administration such as processing external readership applications for Polytechnic students .
2 Furthermore , any increase in this lending will mean more funds are made available to ultimate users .
3 Is regulation really defensible , or should the practice be left unfettered from regulatory controls ?
4 This supports the idea that for both groups of children ties were solved direct from long term memory without any counting .
5 Spontaneous recovery occurred within one hour , during which time the animals were kept warm by infrared heat from a lamp before being returned to the standard conditions of the animal house .
6 Although not normally distributed on initial testing , the data were rendered normal by logarithmic transformation .
7 The boroughs and districts were made responsible for high spending services such as education ( except in inner London ) and social services .
8 The programme is made possible through generous financial support from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and the Countryside Council for Wales .
9 Where , as is usually the case , an instrument is laid subject to negative resolution , the position is that it will obtain or , more commonly , retain the force of law unless , within the stipulated time , the House rejects it .
10 Where an instrument is laid subject to affirmative resolution procedure , the Government sponsoring it must find time in the Houses for a vote on it and it must secure an affirmative vote .
11 23 : A-Team in place but high-risk lightweight summit attempt is abandoned due to heavy storm .
12 When a number of small files are written to tape , a lot of tape is wasted due to inter-file gaps which are inserted between each file .
13 If you pay income tax at the basic rate , then there will be nothing else for you to pay because the interest on Premier Savings is paid net of basic rate tax liability .
14 In this case , the terminal is set wide for interactive viewing , and the page size is adjusted to the screen depth automatically .
15 Last month , the club was found guilty of financial irregularities and fined £50,000 by the Football League , then last week Fry was sacked and the club , plus Flashman 's north London mansion , was raided by tax officials .
16 His car was stuffed full of large pink teddy bears .
17 The boat was kept open by hinged side struts and a straining device at both ends .
18 But however hard she tries , Joan will never forget February 6 , 1971 when Bobby was shot dead in hate-filled Belfast .
19 The script was left open by straw-clutching executives at Grundy TV who were still clinging vainly to the hope that their biggest audience puller might one day return .
20 The use of stewards was banned at open air meetings , and insulting words likely to cause a breach of the peace were declared unlawful in public speeches .
21 Presented at a recent meeting of the British Psychological Society in York , they suggest that any link between slightly raised lead levels and impaired intelligence is rendered insignificant by other social factors .
22 A SPECIAL constable was shot dead at point-blank range and his colleague gunned down at a routine police check , an Old Bailey court heard yesterday .
23 In 1914 Powell was declared unfit for active service , but joined the Admiralty in 1916 .
24 The long space between wardrobe and window was piled high with unwanted furniture , broken chairs , boxes , old gardening tools and stacks of old newspapers .
25 Taken to court by Proietti and his club , Gimbert was found guilty of bodily hard and fined FF8,000 ( £800 ) according to Paragraph 308 of the French penal code .
26 Three of the first four development launches were successful , and Ariane was declared qualified for operational service .
27 One of the reasons why women are more vulnerable than men with the introduction of highly technologised industry is that female workers are considered inappropriate for mechanised industry .
28 There has never been any difficulty finding the facts in Northern Ireland — the news media comb through them relentlessly and university libraries are crammed full of academic literature on the troubles .
29 The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade has recommended that spent nuclear fuel from the country 's nuclear power plants be made safe through deep burial at a site yet to be determined .
30 The contributions were paid weekly to door-to-door collectors .
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