Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] [prep] most [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Enrolment forms are preprinted for most students before enrolment each autumn .
2 A few ‘ bridled ’ birds are found in most colonies .
3 Plans for a ‘ funding pool ’ to finance placements in all sectors were favoured by most agencies , which responded to a recent CCETSW survey .
4 Over the summer , for the first time since the outbreak of war , peace rallies were held in most parts of Britain and some 200,000 signatures were collected .
5 There were no restrictions about hair length as wigs were worn for most numbers .
6 The Ford deal was accepted by most Aston owners ‘ with a surprising degree of sympathy , ’ says Gauntlett , ‘ largely , I suppose , because a majority of them are independent businessmen themselves , and understood the necessity . ’
7 The result was interpreted by most commentators as an expression of anger against the Democrat administration of Michael Dukakis — who had decided not to seek a fourth term — for having caused the state 's current fiscal problems .
8 Another Bar report , this time on long fraud trials , published in January this year , suggested the formal introduction of plea bargains , and found that the practice was approved by most members of the Bar and of the Judiciary .
9 Each Good Friday was earmarked by most men as potato-planting day at the allotments .
10 Although her candidacy was dismissed in most quarters as irrelevant , she was potentially the best-funded of the candidates ( although much of her wealth was believed to be inaccessible in frozen Swiss bank accounts ) and had the advantage of the remnants of her husband 's huge patronage network .
11 Any sort of travel , even by bus , had become very difficult , and a permit was needed for most journeys from one place to another .
12 In general , two or three house hunting visits are allowed by most firms and around three to six days are usually considered to be adequate time to find housing .
13 Natural toxins are contained in most foods : for instance , vegetables use them to fight off pests and bacteria produce them in meat .
14 Cotton is grown in most rug-making countries in the East — particularly in India and Persia — and is consequently in plentiful supply .
15 Abundant oxygen is dissolved in most surface waters and the Eh is predominantly positive in weathering environments ; that is , oxidation occurs spontaneously , though not necessarily rapidly .
16 In May martial law was lifted in most areas of the country and a ban on political activity was also lifted .
17 By the end of the seventeenth century the chaotic medley of titles which had been used in earlier generations to describe diplomats of different ranks had been reduced to a simpler system which in its main lines was accepted by most states .
18 The famous enter in droves : those like Richard Ingrams , Keith Waterhouse , Michael Grade , Auberon Waugh , Jeffrey Archer , Cecil Parkinson , Sue Lawley and Jilly Cooper are known to most people .
19 Digital title superimposers and/or character-generators are provided on most camcorders .
20 The Basque troubles are seen by most Spaniards as so tangled that they do not blame the current Socialist government of Felipe Gonzalez for failing to end the strife .
21 The grand rooms and corridors are emptied of most valuables .
22 Many churches have choirs , and a place is given in most services to an anthem or other piece sung by the choir alone .
23 Obviously a more formal and more summarized profile is required in most indexing systems .
24 He added that the government was also helping local businesses to expand and invest by cutting down on red tape : ‘ If people in business try to expand it is very , very bureaucratic and government approval is needed for most projects . ’
25 A millionaire businessman who was currently the minority leader in the state 's House of Representatives , Isakson was considered by most commentators to be the most credible gubernatorial candidate fielded by the Republicans in Georgia for 90 years .
26 So when Fleischmann and Pons announced test-tube fusion as a source of energy — which was the ‘ angle ’ that the media took up and portrayed it as a clean source — the news that they apparently saw tritium as a fusion product was lost on most media , but it made many scientists concerned and others excited .
27 However , since personal and social difficulties are experienced by most people , the problems addressed in primary prevention in social work also include those complex processes whereby individuals become separated out from the general population , entering client careers with welfare agencies ( Greenley and Kirk , 1973 ; Hardiker and Barker , 1985 ) .
28 Large establishments were built by most emperors , particularly Nero A.D. 60–71 , Titus A.D. 80 , Trajan A.D. 110 , and Constantine A.D. 320 .
29 This procedure is seen by most family health services authorities as a last resort , after practices deemed to be prescribing inappropriately have been offered information and help to lower their prescribing rates and costs .
30 For the age range 14 and under 17 , prosecution is only possible for a limited number of offences on the authority of a magistrate , and the extended care , protection and control procedure is used in most cases .
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