Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Government and legal — administrative institutions are moulded in forms which optimally sustain capital accumulation , whether or not the state is directly controlled by capitalists and irrespective of the precise balance of class forces .
2 Objects are analysed as myths which provide artificial resolutions to real contradictions in society .
3 When these accounts are compared with amounts which should have been received and which should have been paid ( as shown in the budget ) much vital information for a public sector organization is shown .
4 Yacht manufacturers should be more concerned with sailing excitement , performance and safety than providing standard internal lay-outs ; acres of teak are lavished on hulls which have insufficient ballast , heavy displacement and low ‘ sail areas .
5 However , Compacts are managed by Partnerships which should invite participation from a wide range of the different groups in a community whose aims are : 1 ) to work together to address the needs and interests of nil participants , and 2 ) specifically to challenge the assumptions which underlie the anxieties expressed in a ) — e ) above .
6 The successes of subordinate classes in capturing state organizations are met by reorganizations which benefit the long-run interests of capital , as in Britain , where local government units have been completely modernized and increased in size to make them less vulnerable to electoral capture by the labour movement ( Dearlove , 1979 ) .
7 Commonly enough , melodies are accompanied by harmonies which create atmospheric colour , not through any specific movement of parts ( i.e. rhythmic designs ) but through the beauty of the harmonies themselves and their special relationship with the melody .
8 Research has shown that hormones are released during exercise which act as natural anti-depressants ( endomorphines ) .
9 The campaign aims to prevent the import of veal from France and Holland , where calves are reared under conditions which have been banned in Britain .
10 In fact , the two overlap , when certain key words are understood in senses which presume familiarity with the ways they have previously been used .
11 Beyond that , to show that LMS improves the quality of education it needs to be shown whether the savings are used in ways which enhance quality .
12 In the society portrayed in the novel the printed codex is obsolete ; books are distributed on diskette which can be altered at will , heralding the end of the definitive text .
13 Such arguments sit uneasily within a tradition of British poverty research where data are constructed in ways which prevent ‘ race ’ ( let alone racism ) being a focus of analysis .
14 Thus , it was not surprising to find one headteacher expressing some annoyance that the schools were selected by procedures which were not open to public scrutiny and claiming that a competition was only fair if all potential entrants knew in advance that the " race " was to take place and the rules under which it would be run .
15 These indicators were interpreted as conditions which , if fulfilled , suggested a relatively dense and multiplex personal network .
16 Think what a clutter there would be if your mind were filled with sights which were totally irrelevant to you !
17 Where discovery methods were applied in schools which had been designed specifically for child-centred learning , the change was even more apparent .
18 Instead there were Kinks in it where the rods joined it , and the ends of the rods were attached to collars which were secured around the kinks .
19 The last step in the reasoning is stated in terms which are unnecessarily wide for the facts of this case and , as I shall indicate later , unnecessarily wide in principle .
20 In the caste system social closure is achieved through prohibitions which prevent members of a caste from marrying outside their caste .
21 So far , the card capacity has been largely limited to a mere 64 kilobytes and supply to third parties is controlled by Sharp which price them at up to £50 each , limiting the potential margin for would-be card publishers .
22 Kohlberg 's research is based on questionnaires which demand a response to hypothetical and imaginary situations in which concrete detail is necessarily omitted .
23 Greater weight is given to propositions which have been repeated by judges in a number of cases .
24 Greater weight is given to propositions which appear to be broadly consistent with the general law governing the area in which the proposition arises .
25 As a starting point , crime is defined as actions which are contrary to criminal law .
26 The waste paper necessary for the industry is bought from warehouses which are not part of the Cartón de Colombia company .
27 The term is applied to rugs which are about 8′ ( or two zars ) in length and 5 ′/6; ′ wide ( 2.44 × 1.52/1.83 m ) .
28 Sometimes , because your employee is paid at intervals which are not exact multiples of a week or a month , the earnings period may not match exactly with tax weeks or months .
29 In ( b ) the same melodic note-succession is accompanied by chords which include a certain number of triads , some with sevenths , others without thirds .
30 The arcuate island chain of the Outer Hebrides is underlain by rocks which are amongst the oldest in Britain , principally comprising Lewisian gneisses with some granites and younger sedimentary rocks .
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