Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adv] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel operators are only here because of some trade-off between governments .
2 The trackers and beaters were already there and in a flurry of snow , shouts , cries and yelping barks , the hunters moved down to meet them .
3 This is significant , given that many commentators in 1983 thought that the policies of the Conservative and Labour parties were further apart than at any time over the previous thirty years .
4 Assaulted by a tumbler of wine and the smell of much mixed nervous human activity , I was soon crawling about on several elbows , being splashed from high above by excess wine while my eyes , ears and mouth were up there and at the same level of height of depth as everyone else , adding to the massed attempt to obliterate the loud dancing music which obliterated the loud dancing which packed the conversations into pouring constipations .
5 You arrange it so that this long side is vertically up and down the body , right , in that direction .
6 In general , this is a general point , the ionic selectivity of such channels is much less than for voltage gated channels .
7 In Scotland , where parent power in schools is further ahead than in England and Wales , and where parents will have the right to select headteachers or dismiss members of the teaching staff , as well as influencing the general policy of the school , many parents expressed their doubts about adopting such a role when the new school year started in 1987 .
8 I wonder if he 's looked in the minutes of the council er for this time twelve months ago er when we proposed a very similar amendment to the one that 's on the board there , the figures are reduced er but certainly lots of the areas are actually there and in fact if he looked back even further in the minutes he 'll see that it bears a striking resemblance to what we actually proposed on the fourteenth of February nineteen ninety one .
9 Winter wheats are slightly backward because of cold weather , but the benefit of this has been disease-free crops with good root development .
10 The Committee 's reason for retaining buggery as a separate offence to deal with non-consensual anal intercourse is once again because of the distinctive nature of the conduct and because it considered that it was ‘ an especially humiliating and distressing experience . ’
11 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
12 By now , though , the sun was directly overhead and on the roofs it was unbearably hot .
13 When I commented on it , George said that that window was open always except in blizzards , eh ?
14 In the annual review ( July 1984 ) of the members of the International Energy Agency , ( which was the body established to co-ordinate the response of the industrialised , non-Communist countries to the 1974 oil shock ) it was stated that , ‘ long-term prospects for meeting energy requirements and maintaining energy security are now better than at any time since 1973 .
15 Louis is n't here because of me .
16 You do n't erm the other day I thought to myself I 'll walk up , see if that shop 's still there and by the time , you know er I was dreaming obviously , and I 'd walked by , I 'd got time actually , I was killing time so er I thought oh you silly I said er you 've still not er found out , so I went back and it is there but it 's not some , it 's not a shop
17 In any event the time for sovereigns meeting was long past and in the particular case of Prussia Napoleon III was not being stalked by the King but by Bismarck , who had no intention of allowing his quarry to elude him .
18 Conversely a limp hand in the wash basin and the inevitable question : ‘ Have you had your holidays yet ? ’ will guarantee you a despair which ca n't be dispelled until your head is safely home and inside a bucket of water .
19 As the increase in synthesis in rectal mucosa from patients with inflammatory bowel disease was very much less than this , the increase in whole body protein turnover in such patients is not solely because of an increase in colonic protein synthesis .
20 Such movements were expected when the current interest rate was well above or below its long-run mean , and there was a high degree of reversion each time period .
21 ‘ The concert was n't over till after eleven . ’
22 The Burns Supper was less so than in previous years but still was an excellent evening arranged by Dr A. Watson .
23 This is another spot which seems to be enjoying a good run of birds of prey for common buzzard and hen harrier were also there and on Saturday a red kite was seen .
24 Well my daughter 's like really and into rave so I .
25 Happiness is neither outside or inside us .
26 We are given unc and we border B as in ( 1 ) and apply our solution to obtain unc The working is then exactly as in the example just given .
27 My journey was both inside and outside that tradition , because I learned that the quest for an essence dissolves the dynamic differences which describe the working class itself ( aside from class differences which are one of the most apparent characteristics of England ) — poor and unskilled from skilled , men from women , young from old , waged from wageless , organised from unorganised , black from white .
28 I would n't entirely agree , that the whole , that all of the purchasers are entirely just because of er their age
29 All too often anyone passing through rural England hardly senses the farm worker 's presence , for the fields are deceptively still and during the day-time the villages can also be devoid of any human activity .
30 In elderly men the incidence of pancreatitis discharges decreased , suggesting that the cause of pancreatitis was most probably because of alcohol or a non-gall stone disease .
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