Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adj] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
2 ( Strictly speaking these orbits are heteroclinic but it makes sense , because of the symmetry , to identify C " + with C and to think of this situation as a symmetric version of a homoclinic orbit to a single stationary point . )
3 Four other colourways are available and it comes in five widths , about £23.50 per sq m Accessories : Yellow photograph album , £12.50 ; Jennifer Tuckey stationery , £8.95 and £9.50 Best for : Any room , but especially suitable for halls and stairs
4 The physical demands were enormous and it says much for the exceptional fitness of both crews that neither wilted .
5 A copy of the 1991 Census datasets will be deposited at the ESRC Data Archive ( where it will join the data from previous Censuses ) when the data is complete and it appears that all corrections have been made .
6 The voice from the adjoining bedroom was fragile but it carried clearly .
7 Its walls were of pinkwashed cob , its roof was thatched and it stood on its own .
8 Regeneration of energy back into the industry was healthy and it created jobs for young people in the industry ’ .
9 The third light was green and it skidded to a halt .
10 Its mouth was open and it seemed to be grinning at him .
11 Its mouth was open and it had an expression on its face of someone who is going to have a lot of difficulty explaining what they have just seen , especially to themselves .
12 The condition was offputting and it sold below estimate for $48,000 ( £30,000 ; est. $60,000–80,000 ) .
13 In a move which has upset Leeds ' manager Howard Wilkinson , Batty said : ‘ I had heard that Blackburn were interested but it has all happened so quickly .
14 As the material is synthetic , use a matching thread — 50 denier is ideal and it comes in many colours , although strangely very few kite-makers seem to want other than black .
15 The key issue is straightforward and it arises from a simple fact .
16 The range of emotions is wide and it takes in all , from the simplest emotion to the peak experience and the emotions of creativity .
17 The question was innocent but it brought a great guffaw from the youth and he answered , ‘ Ben Smith , Jones , or Robinson . ’
18 I looked out of the window and it was the back garden of Dr Jane 's house , and when Mrs Pitt came up to serve me and I complained Dr Jane laughed , and it was really Dr Jane all the time and the whole place was horrible and dark and dirty and when I got outside to follow my friends the ones who were usually in the dream there were n't any people and we were in a sort of studio and the village and the inn it was so obvious now I felt a fool for going in and sitting down and expecting to be served was the crudest sort of cardboard stage set like a model for a child 's history lesson and the colours were horrible and it smelt of a sort of horrible glue and — —
19 She said it was br it was , I did n't think it was but it wa it was really good fun and also I was going out with Carl at the time and so , you know , in our big like little group big little group , our big group , that was a bit of a erm contradiction , erm in our big group and erm we knew masses of people and there were lots of there and there were lots of Felixstowe people there and it was just a really good laugh and erm Right Said Fred were there and some other sort of ravey group , ca n't remember what now and then , no some techno group , and then erm so we all thought oh let's go for this , let's go , la this time last year we thought oh well let's go over to this one for a joke , you know , for old time 's sake let's just go along and have a joke and we went and it was full of erm like they were all about fourteen , I suppose when we went we were all fourteen too but last year well most of my friends are sort of you know sixteen erm we went and it was n't , it was n't , it was n't full at all and the place is huge and it says , it says on the thing , you know , two thousand people go and there must have been about four hundred at the most and it was really , and I , also I ha I was ill that day and it was really shit so if they said it was brilliant last year it probably was n't the stockings because it was , nobody I met said it was , and also yeah the stockings and the feathers were put on the same day and there 's competition between the two companies does stocking and I 've forgotten what feathers is , there 's competition and so lots of people went to the feathers instead and the feathers had like too many people and the stockings had too lit too few .
20 Using a mouse is optional but it does make the game more playable .
21 Using a mouse is optional but it does make the game more playable .
22 The distinction is arbitrary and it varies very greatly as we move across the map .
23 Why the process fails in 20% of the population is unclear but it has been noted that in patients with acid antra , G cells are qualitatively sparse .
24 ‘ The scale of the initiative is huge but it offers the opportunity of becoming involved in one of Europe 's major urban regeneration projects , ’ said Mr Bethel .
25 Kim Il Sung headed the NKIPC ; the membership was disparate and it took some time for Kim to establish his control .
26 The bottom shelf was wider and it held a square white machine which looked like a document shredder .
27 The fit of this brace was firm and it felt comfortable , despite the fact that it is an off-the-shelf model ( its older brother , the CTI , is custom-fit ) and I found I was able to ski with some confidence in my otherwise highly unstable knee .
28 The the fire service is separate but it reports to the public protection committee .
29 Scott 's education is uncertain but it seems likely that he attended the cathedral school , Canterbury , and afterwards went to Cambridge University .
30 His output is prodigious and it springs from the unbending control he exercises over every aspect of his life .
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