Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adj] [verb] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her parents were both cut off by their wealthy families , following a clandestine marriage in the early 1750s .
2 But a combination of the £1.3 billion cash call and the general lack of confidence in the pharmaceutical sector means that Zeneca is unlikely to get off to the sort of flying start that some had hoped for .
3 Following those frustrations , Dettori only narrowly avoided a final disaster when jockeys ' planes were unable to take off from Newmarket owing to high winds .
4 Erm , so erm erm and that is the day that erm er both mum and Marion are due to fly off to Oz .
5 And then , out of the blue , as she was getting ready for bed on the evening before Kirsty was due to go off on holiday , Mrs Aitken tapped on Shiona 's bedroom door .
6 Soon the twins and their brunettes and various glamorous hangers-on were all stripped off round the pool .
7 A First Spiritualist does n't drink coffee , or eat white bread or cheese ( apart from Gorgonzola — the Good Cheese as it 's called ) , and faced by a frankfurter is liable to scoot off into a corner , whimpering .
8 Wetherby , Huntingdon and Market Rasen were all called off on Thursday and the casualty list lengthened yesterday with the abandonments of Sedgefield and Wolverhampton .
9 In the Mess that evening the young madmen were all showing off to one another — demonstrating their intrepidity and lack of nerves . ’
10 The books tell you that badgers love peanuts , but what they do n't tell you is that a plastic peanut packet is likely to go off in your pocket with a high-decibel rustle that will send any self-respecting badger right back underground .
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