Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tore-Andre is in fact the most hunted player in Norway just now — this fall he has played himself into our succesful U-21 team and at the moment eight out of twelve norw. ‘ premiership ’ clubs are offering him a contract
2 These same activities are used whatever the setting — home , clinic or hospital — and communicating is even more important ( if that is possible ) when a child is involved , or a mentally handicapped person , or when the contact is made for psychiatric problems , as Hardcastle ( 1988 ) clearly outlines in ‘ First impressions ’ .
3 Specialists in linguistics sometimes claim that if non-specialists are asked what the function of language is , they will reply that it is ‘ to send
4 Specialists in linguistics sometimes claim that if non-specialists are asked what the function of language is , they will reply that it is ‘ to send information ’ or ‘ to tell other people your thoughts ’ .
5 Again , you are on subjective grounds , but by just about any objective industry standard , Trantec are doing themselves a disservice paying for full pages for those ads .
6 And erm the we are given or they h one of the reasons or the purposes behind Confirmation is to give us the strength to use the gifts which God 's al has already given us .
7 The best way to go about proper practice is to find yourself a partner of similar standard , who is equally keen to improve , and spend hours sweating and toiling on the practice court .
8 The simplest dynamical question that can be posed for curved space–time is to ask what the motion of a test body is in free fall , i.e. under gravitational forces alone .
9 ‘ Did you see that friend of Molly and Saul 's giving you the once-over , Minna ? ’ says Becky , digging her sister in the ribs .
10 Richard is joining us every month to pass on tips , ideas and news from the world of horticulture , and add a touch of humour too .
11 The rationale for school self-evaluation is that the most effective means of improving the quality of the education provided by schools is to give them the responsibility for reviewing their own performance and for carrying out any reforms which seem necessary in consequence .
12 Believe me , that monster is costing me a fortune ! ’
13 But like er , she took it sch to school and Scott was giving us a lift to school so did n't have to walk and she 's in the car and she 's going if this gets if this gets all smashed up Scott I hope you realise I 'm blaming you !
14 What we done in that brief session is giving you an overview of identifying training needs and you can go to , I have seen books written identifying training needs and I have read books that thick and they so many ideas there give you a starter .
15 One thing America has done for Lemmy is to afford him the chance to fulfil an ambition …
16 and it was as simple as that , it was only until that I got all the paperwork from Germany that the letters and one thing and another , but somebody in there said to them well you 're talking rubbish cos the girl 's telling you the truth
17 The impact of this work was to bring him the support of the social democrats and thus to extend the appeal of his Bonapartist message .
18 It had given him the chance to go on talking to and getting to know children and he was sure he would know if a boy was telling him the truth .
19 However one piece of equipment was causing him a problem — a ‘ survival bag ’ .
20 Joe Meek 's last big hit was Have I the Right by the Honeycombs .
21 Your baby will love the taste — and you can be happy in the knowledge that Robinsons concentrated juices are giving them the goodness that they need .
22 Now all the effort goes into preparing for the next one … although the RAF 's team is calling it a day .
23 Undoubtedly , the skill of medical care in all specialties is balancing what the patient will accept with what the patient should accept .
24 My great aim is to give you a periodical which you will not throw aside as soon as read , but which you will value and look over years hence as an old familiar friend , when you may be battling with the realities of life under the suns of India , in the backwoods of Canada or the United States , or the grassy downs of Australia , over the wide Ocean among the isles of the Pacific , or on the distant shores of Columbia .
25 It has also been made clear that where an unmet need is recorded which the department has a legal duty to provide , it could be used as the basis for a legal challenge , although it should still be recorded .
26 ‘ Forgot to tell you , Peg , I hear the rector 's taken hisself a wife . ’
27 A meeting is held which the teacher attends in role as a railway engineer .
28 The way to make sense of the 17 keV neutrino is to make it a mixture of an electron neutrino and a third-generation ‘ tau neutrino ’ — with the mass provided by the tau neutrino .
29 ‘ Your body 's giving me the right , ’ he said , blatantly dropping his gaze to her breasts .
30 A starting point is to examine what a liberal-democracy is .
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