Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] over [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 This raises public awareness and the press is always interested in hard statistics ; so if you can say several hundred people signed the petition in an afternoon or over the course of a few days it will undoubtedly earn you publicity .
2 One trader happened to have a case of brylcream in stock and over the course of several months he saw the retail price of his 144 jars increase : it doubled , trebled , eventually quintupled .
3 Not surprisingly British ministers continued to deal warily with the United States , concerned both for their own freedom of action and over the reliability of the Americans as friends .
4 Instinctively drawing in his limbs and curling his long back , the Perk sailed out of her grasp and over the edge of the steps like a furry stone in a leather jerkin .
5 Also studied were the consistency of performance of individuals within and between topics , between mode of assessment and over a period of time .
6 This stage is followed by a search for means to implement the desired change and over a period of time a cycle of problems are handled by this method .
7 Their near-simultaneity was coincidence , in the sense of being beyond all collusion and foreknowledge , though all were by graduates of Oxford engaged in teaching and over the age of thirty .
8 This may be in a particular meeting or over a period of time .
9 In Woodrow , it was held that affray is a continuing offence , so that where an indictment charged the defendants with a single offence and particularised several incidents that had occurred at different places and over a period of several hours , the indictment was not bad for duplicity .
10 The third type requires such intervention but over a period of years , usually nearly into adolescence , and often there is never complete resolution .
11 All young people falling into that category but over the age of 18 who have not been available for YT because of disability , ill health , pregnancy , a custodial sentence , remand or language difficulty are entitled to an offer of a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
12 According to bogus sexologist Dr John R Brinkley , goat glands held the secret to combating male impotence and over a period of twenty years he amassed a fortune of more than $12 million administering them to 16,000 men worried about their sexual inadequacies .
13 It is perhaps significant that whereas Haycocks I eventually produced a DES Circular , this one was issued only as an ACSTT Report , endorsed by the Advisory Committee as a whole and over the signature of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee .
14 Oxford took the lead when Magilton 's 20-yard shot looped off Proctor and over the head of goalkeeper Pears .
15 What the different groups all have in common is their control over production processes in the economy and over the labour of a number of subordinates .
16 A minimum of 7 mm lead shielding was used over the central area and over the body of each animal .
17 The news media learned of the arrests next morning and over a number of days outraged protests went up from loyalist spokesmen , including leaders of loyalist political parties and Andrew Beattie 's colleagues on the Constitutional Stoppage Central Co-ordinating Committee .
18 Most of these businesses were on such a small scale that over a half of them built no more than six houses during these three years and nearly three-quarters built no more than twelve ; the bankruptcy rate was high .
19 The inhalation of iodine-131 could cause thyroid cancer in people as far away as 24 km , and there is a 20 per cent probability that over a period of 10–20 years between 1000 and 10,000 people could develop thyroid cancer ( less than 10 per cent of these would be fatal cancers ) .
20 He has an impressive command of the literature of both art and optical science across much of Europe and over a span of four centuries .
21 From the heights of Newby Head the old turnpike road sweeps down through Widdale and over the foot of Ten End to where Hawes marks the head of the dale .
22 It was a wonderful vision but over the course of centuries , the gardens became building plots , access to the new houses being obtained by demolishing part of the ground floor of a house to provide a passageway through to the new dwellings .
23 Along the edge of the Cromarty Firth there were more seagulls in the fields than over the whole of Lewis .
24 One even had a flagpole and over the top of the trees below I could see the Union Jack fluttering .
25 Women smokers are at just as much risk as men and at even greater risk if over the age of thirty-five and on the pill .
26 Swirling in an army Chinook helicopter through wind and fog and over a sea of smouldering lava yesterday , it was easy to see why earlier plans to bomb or mine it off course and up on to the surface have been shelved .
27 Chips became part of the British diet during the 19th century and over the course of the next hundred years , according to the Frozen Food Information Service , fish and chips became not only a national institution , but also a vital source of nutrition for the working class .
28 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
29 The attack was attributed to extreme right-wing military and civilian elements who were reputedly uneasy over the strikes and over the possibility of a left-wing victory in the presidential elections .
30 Normally London left Stormont to get on with these policies , only intervening in 1969 at the time of the civil rights movement when there was a clear danger of a collapse of law and order due to disputes between Catholics and Protestants over local government , over the allocation of houses and of jobs and over the conduct of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and of the armed ‘ B ’ special reserves .
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