Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] you could [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It would , I hoped , create the illusion that you could see through the base , dispelling any impression there was an operator inside . ’
2 I could d I could do a complete letterhead and just that just that logo as an E P S F that you could stick into WordPerfect .
3 All entries showed imagination and , more to the point , a keen enjoyment in the task of cramming in as many obscure and erudite words as you could find in the dictionary .
4 It was as green a light as you could get for the never-ending demands for U-turns from Mr Gould , followed by several Shadow Cabinet colleagues .
5 It 's even better money than you could earn in high season , so it is , but of course your father is n't Sir Thomas Bloody Breakspear and as rich as a pig in shit , so you need the money , while his Holiness here does n't .
6 An example of a chart that you could construct on a card , or in your diary is shown opposite .
7 The similarity is that your risks are spread over a much wider range of investments than you could achieve on your own .
8 Erm with some of these it may even be possible to y'know there 's a number of different adjectives that you could try with with some of these things like erm y'know how would you feel about knowing that you 're attractive to your own sex ?
9 Perhaps you could c come from you see , but you would n't be able to come near Amlwch or you could get to Amlwch and you could n't get to .
10 Then came the International Section : an Indian family on the back of a lorry with a stove , the mother cooking real curry that you could smell in the air ; an Irish group , parents with bagpipes and children dressed as leprechauns ; a steel band from Trinidad .
11 That 's right , that 's right , yes , how we consume these products , yes , I mean , you 're right , so a potato is a potato is a potato , but if it 's pre-packed , graded and washed , that is sort of intrinsically different from er , er , sort of , mouldy , scruffy old potatoes that you could buy at a greengrocer .
12 But , what we would say to you I think this morning , Chair , is that in your officers ' view erm , yes , we think it is sensible to go forward and manage on the basis of five hundred thousand pounds addition towards that shortfall , we become increasingly nervous if that five hundred thousand pounds is reduced , and because of the uncertainty , again later in the papers you will see still have some contingencies that you could use from savings in previous years , and we will be strongly recommending to you that you retain some of those contingencies because of the uncertainty that still attaches to demands in the community care grants .
13 It would do us far more honour if you could succeed in obtaining a post under some other great lord .
14 At the prices that were being charged would you go to Slaley Hall when you could go to Portugal ? ’
15 but , you know , when you get those notes if you could look at them and see what you think
16 When the Dunner froze at low tide and you could skate from Odborough to Furness .
17 And you could walk fifty yards down the road and there 'd be somebody else building and you could walk on a say is that the job how much ?
18 Well these were the hottest place that you could work at the ovens of dough in the bread ovens .
19 You asked me to send a reminder so you could arrange for the stone cross to be cleaned before Remembrance Sunday in November .
20 And er the pills , all different sorts of pills , , Doctor pills , er there was all kinds of pills in those days that you could take to you know , to stop you from having them you see .
21 The electricity cable laying to give 'em a job so you could play for the Ipswich Electric Supply Team and we had a jolly good team , we won the cup for the first three years that it was in being but the finals used to be on Portman Road and course that was in those days a thing to be looked forward to .
22 Although it may be too late to gather any more that season , you would at least have a permanent record so you could return in the following year to collect some more .
23 And we went to Frinton of all places and you could go to the chippie and get fish and chips and everything .
24 You know , I mean but this teacher wo n't stand no nonsense and I said to Lee y you were at it three years before you could speak like Carla speaks it !
25 The ten diagonal chimneys rising from the steep pantiled roof are the finishing touch , making Allerthorpe as grand a farmhouse as you could find in all Yorkshire .
26 These are the limestone arres , and as unwelcoming a site as you could think of for a new resort .
27 And before the children left they were given a carrier bag with all sorts of things that you could think of and to see the delight on those little children 's faces !
28 When time and energy are spread too thinly , even those things that you could do with ease when you were ‘ on good form ’ become more troublesome .
29 It 's one of those things that you could do with really .
30 List at least five things that you could do to be a bargain for your partner .
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