Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] she [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 It was as she finished with the remainder of yesterday 's mail that she glanced through the window in time to see Silas walking towards the stables .
2 Miss Wharton , briefly closing her eyes as she trudged through the mush of fallen leaves , thought that she could still scent , above the smell of sluggish water and damp earth , a trace of the heady elderberry flowers of June .
3 So these are the things that are worrying Robyn Penrose as she drives through the gates of the University , with a nod and a smile to the security man in his little glass sentry box : her lecture on the Industrial Novel , her job future , and her relationship with Charles — in that order of conspicuousness rather than importance .
4 Marion exclaimed in disgust as she stooped through the door .
5 Blossom confirmed his words as she ambled through the door and , at a gesture from the farmer , turned along the track .
6 This gives you a head start , and if you are sensitive to her changing needs as she goes through the grief experience you will learn your role and recognise your cues as you go along .
7 ‘ Are you suggesting Joseph pushed her into the water as she walked through the harbour ? ’
8 Sadat lights a cigarette , with the engine still running , and watches the earnest set of Kate ’ s back as she talks through the gates to the guard just inside .
9 But short of getting dressed , or rummaging in the hall cupboard for her Burberry , or swathing herself in her duvet and sweeping ornaments to the ground as she tiptoed through the sitting-room , she could n't think of any solution .
10 He greets an old woman as she peers through the window of Patel 's newsagent shop .
11 The September night was hot and humid but it did not perturb Constance as she struggled through the crowds of noisy , gesticulating passengers purposefully carrying cardboard boxes , mattresses and crates of chickens down the long platform .
12 There was no sign of Nathan as she hurried through the saloon , but his cabin door was ajar and she could n't resist peeping in as she passed .
13 It had once been Chris Patten 's task to help Mrs Thatcher as she worked through the night .
14 That way they would get excellent pictures of Mrs Thatcher as she moved through the crowd .
15 Ellie felt an elemental thrill as she stepped through the great swing doors , as if she was entering an ancient cathedral rather than a modern monument to commercial enterprise .
16 ‘ I ca n't think what Poppa 's doing up at this hour , ’ Cora-Beth said with a frown as she peered through the windscreen .
17 Benny moved along with a strong sense of adventure , and had to resist whistling a jaunty tune as she crept through the scrubby vegetation that surrounded the cemetery .
18 However , he was obliging enough and she was glad of his company as she hurried through the Philadelphia streets towards the lodging house .
19 It made her howl with bitterness when she was alone in the weeks that followed , and it made her grit her teeth as she strode through the streets looking for revenge , or for her baby , or for Dorothy , not too sure what she was looking for but usually coming home with nothing better than a bag of old tins .
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