Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I thought he must have gone a bit ga-ga but there was no harm so I went up to my room and did my hair a bit .
2 My brothers and I grew up with very different interests and aspirations and we were to lead very different lives .
3 I hear a clattering in the air as McDunn gets out of the Jag and I look up over the trees into high , bright overcast .
4 For the last 100 feet I seemed to drop out of the sky — the flat roof of a house came rushing up at me , and just as I was about to land on it , it dodged to one side and I ended up in a little patch of green wheat .
5 which was quicker , took her down to the mission , she stayed in the car till I went up to the mission to get our money signed for our money and come out and er
6 I get told off by my girlfriend because I wake up in the morning and the first thing I say is , ‘ Flippin' heck , have you sent those newsletters off yet ? . ’
7 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
8 I had a bit of an interest in gardens because I grew up in the country at Drewsteignton , but I always think I was very lucky to get that job at Castle Drogo — straight in as a single-handed gardener with no experience .
9 I 'm to contact Laidlaw if I come up with anything . ’
10 I had some function of T and I finished up with T what did I start with ?
11 Erm , like if you get the money , spend it , I always spend my money on loads of shit and I end up with nothing at the end of the day .
12 What The Stones and The Animals and all the great bands that I grew up with did was to take black music , and although it was played by white kids , they did n't change the nature of the beast , and it worked .
13 Expenditures , er some of the the er higher amounts are printing at ninety pounds fifty , cons conference fees at sixty pounds , er Euro Election er donation of twenty five pounds , photocopies of forty pounds , er bank charges Which er was a point that I took up with the bank erm Mr Chairman last December .
14 I said nervously ‘ Oh , I thought perhaps you would teach me Mr Samuel if I came up to London for lessons ’ .
15 But Fardine , Olivia and I sat up with Dr Jaffery sipping tea and chatting until well after midnight .
16 It 'll be up to him whether he throws me to the dogs and I finish up in a debtor 's prison , or whether he turns into a guardian angel complete with halo and big fat cheque .
17 The things that I picked up on was erm when , when you started , I thought that overall I mean you were getting the message across and , and overall that , you know , erm there was a lot of the areas that you tackled very well , and you reverted back to your old self and you did a lot better .
18 It was just by chance that I turned up at one of the early meetings of the first lesbian liberation groups in London and found myself involved in the early debates around socialist feminism , radical lesbianism , the Women 's Movement and the sixth demand which named women 's right to a self-defined sexuality .
19 The wife and daughter were usually silent , but Service and I made up for that .
20 En route , I spotted a litter-bin on a streetlamp and I screeched up to it , jumped out and deposited the hollow copy of the Great Duke 's book .
21 My wife and I went up to the pay booth .
22 ‘ I said that this was not Shelley and I ganging up in competition against them : it was just two businesswomen trying to make more business .
23 The United States are part of my dreams because I grew up with its music , fashion , Burger King !
24 I believe I gave Joe a bit of a shock when I walked up to the table and played a few shots with him .
25 Erm just as an example , in the cutouts distributed , the three square kilometres , the three hundred hectares , is erm er double of course the area that I took up to two thousand and six of one and a half .
26 I had not worked before as a waitress so I ended up with most of the easy jobs like washing up and cleaning left overs from the plates !
27 Well it 's he 's , he gets up at six in the morning and I get up at about five o'clock and I go to bed later than him anyway normally , so it must be
28 Well I went to bed at er ten o'clock in the morning and I woke up at ten o'clock at night .
29 ‘ Colin Harvey bought Mike Newell for the start of my second season and I ended up in the reserves , with all the publicity and pressure that brought .
30 I hit the central barrier and he went on about fifty yards while I ended up on the hard shoulder
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