Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At only 18 , Dundas will be seeing things through young and excited eyes and I wish him the best .
2 So I feel happier in my mind if I do it every day .
3 Then I , I put it in a saucepan and I stewed it the next
4 In fact , I only met one decorator … a young couple wanted to buy a piece and I offered them a discount as they had n't got a decorator - at which she drew herself up and said : ‘ We are not married .
5 I gather this is normal practice but I find it a little unreasonable .
6 He wanted work and to pay for the damage so I offered him a job . ’
7 Well I mean it 's gone much beyond that I mean they the reality of the situation is er is not like that I 'm afraid I mean it Eighteen men have been sacked and and these are men that have put those quarries where they are .
8 It was suggested at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council that I send you a copy of the objections made by the Parish Council to the siting of a communication mast on land off Higher Lane , Scorton .
9 We stroll arm in arm to the nearest pub and I buy him a freedom drink and lunch ; a pint of stout and a Ploughman 's .
10 They said they would not let my back into the village until I got them a ration card and some wheat .
11 The Sheriff asked me the same question and I gave him the same answer as I have you . ’
12 ‘ Make yourself at home while I fix you a coffee , ’ Alex said , ‘ then what would you like to do ?
13 that do explain a little bit about Abbey Life products and also have a copy of as well erm they might find that of help before I give them a call .
14 Well run councils will flourish as a result of this settlement and I offer them every encouragement to do so .
15 I told her I 'd be in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden until about nine , then down in Fulham and I gave her the address of the party and told her to ask for Louise .
16 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
17 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
18 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
19 His name was Edward Greenwood , and as they all sat down , he said , ‘ I 've heard all about you from Helen and I wish you the best of luck .
20 He was a gentleman doing his job and I bore him no malice .
21 Tom and I saw it the other day , ’ she was saying .
22 And she called me later , and said , ‘ Excuse me , but I just talked to Fred and I told him the story , and he 's invited you to tea tomorrow at his house . ’
23 Micky Danby is a pratt and I owe him a few scores meself . ’
24 ‘ Tell me , ’ he complained , ‘ what would be your reaction if I told you the moon just fell out of the sky ? ’
25 It is neither the ninety seven thousand , nine hundred and fifty seven pounds claim by Mr nor the forty seven thousand one hundred and eighty five pound figure contended for by Mr but I find it a fair figure for the cost of the plaintiff 's transport in the years ahead .
26 Recently I 'd been punched and kicked to the ground by a teacher because I called him a queer .
27 That 's life , on Vadinamia , as I said to Mala when I told her the news .
28 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
29 ‘ He called me a name and I called him a name , ’ said Ditka .
30 So , we toast the railway station and I tell him the only Czech joke I know .
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