Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it be [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Seems to be our fault if it 's anything to do with the Society she does n't want to know
2 The boy was not then aware , of course , of how frequently an idling or unanchored mind can be disturbed by the accidental experience of receiving luminous images from out of clear , sharp light when it is itself cast in any sort of shadow .
3 The truth is that there is an embarrassment of riches in Joyce 's work that it was what to leave out which posed the problem , not what to include .
4 Must of been on one of the other computers and er it went on for ages and it was you know it 's was irritating more than anything !
5 Then you got to er the picture house er that happened just before the First World War that was put up as far as I can remember , I know I used to go there and see erm the Broken Coin which was a serial picture and it was you know er where somebody was up to their neck in water one week and it would say that the continuation of this picture would be shown in this theatre one week from today and you .
6 which it ca n't be right cos , I suppose in a way it 's none of our business but it is I mean if it gets to it , it puts our company in financial difficulties it means it 's jobs on the line int it that sort of thing
7 ‘ A game like the Baa Baas should put 10 per cent or whatever into the funds of the visiting team because it is nothing to do with England .
8 yeah I think that 's probably the best thing and gradually the past you 've missed might start fitting into place as it were you know if you , if you keep up with the present , I think that 's probably the best thing so er and , you know , er I know it 's no comfort but these things take time , you know it takes time to get socialized into something and it takes time to get used to a way of working .
9 And mine matey and bess be about me that was quite a long exclamation but it was something surprise them terribly , Oh bess be about me , just sort of , Oh God come to me help , sort of thing .
10 The solid matter may contribute to the colour if it is itself coloured .
11 The comb was made of shiny steel and it was his to keep .
12 I said I did n't want to get on to this area because it 's you know , we could go on all night discussing whether this , well whether that .
13 all that rubbish because it 's I mean the hoover 's
14 We 've er we 're showing the dividend cover in a variety of ways because it 's I think not clear that any one measure is , is only er the way of calculating it .
15 She did eventually die of a heart attack but it was nothing to do with Luke . ’
16 She would put all her things on the floor because it was hers to do what she liked with .
17 When it takes over your life , you know , anything that happens to you is related back to food whether it 's you know , connected or not , that is when it becomes an eating problem .
18 In your letter dated Tue , 18 Jan 94 10:25:54 MET , you wrote : If I thought Wilko was going there with the intent to win I might feel a little happier , but with the form as it is I think we 'll wind up in one of those boring 1–0 or 2–0 defeats where nothing exciting happens in the game .
19 He then realised that he had already seen his son some distance from the door and that his conviction that it was him had been totally irrational .
20 Be prepared to consider the possibility that it is nothing to do with food .
21 Most will have a dim idea that it 's something to do with conservation and looking after nature .
22 Oxford University 's presence has led to claims that this seat has the most sophisticated electorate in the country and it 's what makes the contest in Oxford West and Abingdon so interesting .
23 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
24 So would every family make a wreath if it was you know somebody c near them , they 'd make their own .
25 coming to London and it is something to do with television
26 It is of course easy to overestimate such cost but it is I fear equally easy to underestimate it .
27 It 's followed 's Road most of the way but it 's it went different routes some places just to take away a steep .
28 maybe this year because it 's you know the first kind of year of it
29 You know , everybody would , would applaud any sexual activity because it was you know , adding new members to the human race .
30 James expressed the negative side when he described it as ‘ the theory which denies that there can be in a sensation any element of actual locality , any tone as it were which cries to us immediately and without further ado , ‘ I am here ’ or ‘ I am there ’ ’ .
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