Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it be [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Empty phrases to give you the illusion that it 's Adam who 's holding you , and not me ?
2 In the heat of a sultry evening , Britain had the fitness and the heart to outlast the clever Koreans and it was Sixsmith who got the winner , poaching in the area after the ball had pinballed around from a short corner .
3 Ironically Leicester are heading for the top using Brian Clough 's style of passing football and it 's Forest who are reverting to more of the long ball game .
4 The fans had come for goals and it was Pompey who nearly supplied the first .
5 Charlie made no reply and it was Jack who said , ‘ Why , have you ? ’
6 If Niki had sought to impress Prost with a victory at the very start of the season , the ploy did n't work : an improperly soldered battery cable put him out of action and it was Prost who impressed .
7 The Times hypothesised in the course of the election campaign that it was leaders who lost elections , not challengers who won them .
8 But it was only when Susato began to publish at Antwerp in 1543 that their songs appeared in quantity and it was Susato who really launched Crecquillon with a book of 36 chansons à 4 parties in 1543 , though he had published Crecquillon 's greatest hit , ‘ Ung gay bergier ’ , in a miscellaneous collection the year before .
9 He lost the leadership of Leeds to Ellery Hanley and it was Hanley who was made skipper of Great Britain in Australia this summer .
10 Wright continued to dazzle Ipswich in the second half but it was Campbell who completed a brilliant hat-trick .
11 Cambridge United and Middlesbrough were unable to break the deadlock in the first half of their match , but Taylor gave Cambridge the lead after sixty seven minutes and it was Taylor who made it two nil fifteen minutes from time to give Cambridge a memorable victory .
12 They were tactful in avoiding any reference to the case and it was Wycliffe who , mellowed by good food and a couple of glasses of Burgundy , brought it up .
13 Mr Pincher , though , is only the ghost writer and it 's Dido who 's grabbing the headlines .
14 ‘ People look for new ways to supplement their income and it is employers who feel the pinch . ’
15 Felipe took no notice whatever of his sister and it was Maggie who had to comfort her and assure her that no harm had been done .
16 Glenys and Neil Kinnock have been regular customers for several years and it was Glenys who had the honour of cutting the ribbon .
17 Meridian B came close to winning several times but it was Forest who eventually scored the crucial goal in the last minute of sudden death extra time .
18 Among a series of films designed to cash in on the success of Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) , for example , was Seth Holt 's The Nanny ( 1965 ) , made with the visual flair of his earlier Hammer picture , Taste of Fear ( 1961 ) , and telling the powerful tale of two sisters , both dependent in their own way on the woman who brought them up , who pay no attention to the declarations of their son and nephew that it was nanny who killed his sister and now wants to kill him .
19 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
20 Nobody spoke for a while and it was Sarah who eventually broke the silence .
21 But the visitors were unable to take advantage of the strong tailwind and it was Alton who scored a vital goal to lead 1–0 at half-time .
22 The narrator ( of the Morgans ) is called Arthur and it is Arthur who survives the death of Philip and goes on to become a writer of some undefined kind on the model of David Copperfield and Great Expectations .
23 It was Barron who had made a show of looking at the figures but it was MacQuillan who had screamed at Pascoe down the telephone accusing him of fraud .
24 Throughout it is held that professionals and managers are people and it is people who should be brought to mind whenever such terms as professionalism and professionality or management and managerialism are encountered .
25 Her brow furrowed on the realisation that it was Niall who had been responsible for the last-minute change of plans .
26 DEEP THINKERS Forward planning O'Donovan also offers the simple but profound thought that it is women who will be giving birth to the next generation of Rugby League players .
27 The game was being played at furious pace and it was Richardson who was put to the test when he dived to turn round a long drive from Darlington in the thirty eighth minute .
28 This does not mean that national history and culture will not bulk large in the educational systems of particular countries , especially the smaller ones , or that they may not flourish locally within a much broader supranational framework as , say , Catalan culture today flourishes , but on the tacit assumption that it is Catalans who will communicate with the rest of the world through Spanish and English , since few non-residents in Catalonia will be able to communicate in the local language .
29 On Monday , the jury at Mold Crown Court , was told by Burgess that it was McLean who was responsible for the attack , kicking and stamping on her .
30 Despite Sartre 's reiteration that it is man who makes it , history increasingly assumes its own ontological status in the Critiques .
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