Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it [be] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Er , we had a breeders ' meeting in October which was I enjoy them very much , I enjoy the the talk because it 's the first chance I get during the year when I can sit down and listen and I do n't have to worry about them generally , in another club , I do n't have to worry about minutes or anything , I just sit and listen and it 's great it , I really enjoy that .
2 The agreement is something of a coup for the Belgian because it is the first instance of a Japanese computer company marketing Sequelink directly .
3 Running the film group for ICI gave Haslam particular pleasure because it was the first time he had ever been fully in charge of a business , which he found very challenging .
4 Any rule chosen from the conflict set has its weight reduced by the factor K. If it is the last rule of a successful search , so its action leads immediately to a goal , then the reward C is added to its weight .
5 Next week sees the anniversary of the battle and it is the 75th anniversary of the Air Force .
6 Yesterday 's bombs are thought to have been Semtex and it is the first time outside the capital that devices have been casually placed by the road side .
7 The film was a significant Oscar-winner because it was the first X-rated film to do so .
8 I always left the dollop of jam in the middle of my mother 's puddings until it was the last mouthful .
9 I responded with a patient and well-informed explanation of how and why the SDP had no such plans and it was the last thing Mrs Williams would do .
10 ‘ If I had that much money and it was the first real money I had ever made , ’ said the businessman at last , ‘ I 'd put a quarter of it in government savings bonds , and with the rest of it I 'd buy as much land or property in and around Tollemarche and Edmonton as I could lay my hands on . ’
11 I had taken her to the Three Tuns , and told the others to meet us there , on the basis that it was the second nearest pub to the scene of the demo and the nearest one to Seymour Street police station .
12 But , in support of the maternal depletion syndrome , perhaps contrary to popular belief , it appears from these data that a baby has better chances of being born alive to a woman in the 40–44 years age group if it is the first than the sixth or a higher order .
13 And that is why I 'll see Greg Martin if it 's the last thing I do . ’
14 The aluminium sulphate was added to the ‘ contact tank ’ , a bad place because it was the last stage in the treatment process before the water left for the town .
15 ‘ I remember this place when it was the next best thing to an orphanage .
16 Mr Jack Straw , Labour 's shadow education secretary , said last night that it was the first time in his 10 years in Parliament that responsibility for piloting such an important piece of legislation through committee had been left to such junior departmental politicians .
17 ‘ Once we got to the hospital I could feel her head and it was the first moment it all became real for me .
18 ‘ I first came across Virginia Woolf through Orlando when I was a teenage person and it was the first time that I felt really addressed by a writer , ’ she says .
19 ‘ I 'll force that little bastard out of your head if it 's the last thing I do ! ’ he bit out , hatred on his face as he took her , made love like the enemy he was .
20 I was so proud that day because it was the first time I wore a rather special red coat with matching red hat .
21 We chose that day because it was the first day
22 Eastwards , Cliff Lane goes past the old school , the post office and a row of cottages to the cliff top , where it is demonstrated why Mappleton has recently achieved tremendous publicity as it is the next English village in danger of being swept into the North Sea .
23 While this as such simply acknowledges the situation as it is and is followed by a far longer passage relating to the benefits of celibacy for the Western rite , it remains a highly important text because it is the first time a Roman Council or any major Roman document has explicitly accepted and recommended the uniting of priesthood and marriage in a single life .
24 Now I mentioned that this was Chest Week and it 's the first time that the er Chest , Heart and Stroke Association have had a , a , a week specifically aimed at people with chest problems , or , or looking at chest problems .
25 Even Shirley Christian 's relatively cosy interview with North for the New York Times on December 1st — an interview that gained in suspiciousness and oddity because it was the last North gave for two years — plunged suddenly into an action-man world .
26 When it is the first day , put your hands down while we 're ex while I 'm explaining this , when you say when it 's the first day of any month whether it 's the first of February or the first of April or the first of December , instead of say you say this word you say for the first of the month
27 Having replied Yes with much confidence in his initial request I did not think I could take two steps to the rear , so I hastened to add that the job would take me some considerable time as ti would be my spare-time/spare-time job , consoled myself with the thought that it was the first time that I had made anything to be used in a church , so it would be a challenge .
28 I had the odd George II and George III copper , but these were in the minority and it was the 17th century coinage that was popping up with some regularity .
29 the last week in September and it was the last week it was open , so you 're better of going near the middle or I mean the beginning or
30 I vowed then , as I have vowed many times before and since , that I would never again make myself so vulnerable to the team , that I would get them off my back and out of my life if it was the last thing I did .
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