Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] what [pron] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Exasperated with all this pussy-footing , and knowing of Mountbatten 's wishes that what he had said should be known , I saw to it that a transcript of the Suez programme reached my friend Bernard Levin at The Times , and he published the core of it in two long articles .
2 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
3 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
4 I had never believed in ghosts but what I had seen was unaccountable .
5 An example of this was the abuse which Harvey received when he demonstrated the system of blood circulation in the body because what he had discovered was not in accordance with what Galen had said .
6 Many of them were predictably connected with the murder at the Turk 's Head and what he had seen , or thought he had seen , one night on the railway embankment that ran behind it .
7 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
8 I had no intention just then of attempting such a thing , but as I lay awake that night I realised that if it had n't been for Lili I might have felt it necessary to attempt to describe to someone , anyone , what I knew of God and what he had asked of me .
9 She had brought his heart to life and what she had left in it would never die .
10 What they had heard in the yard and what they had seen upon investigating — spilled crates they attributed to rutting cats — would not be revealed until morning .
11 But then she remembered the light beams and what they had said as they had passed her : ‘ Not fair . ’
12 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
13 He was watching Charles closely , as if afraid that he would not be believed , when he came to describe the meeting with Maureen O'Duffy and what she had told them during the drive down the mountain .
14 Particularly in view of Paul 's remarks and what he had said about Jane Postlethwaite .
15 Every nerve had been strained in the effort to prompt Lou 's memory but what she had learned could do little to prove Barney 's innocence .
16 A month ago he had come to see her and now she understood for the first time that what he had said to her then would change her life .
17 The stink assailed his nostrils , bringing back memories of that last visit and what it had done for him .
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