Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] he [vb mod] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I kept telling myself that it was n't likely , that the man who shot at me could n't have known anything about my boat or he would n't have asked about my car , that I 'd met no one else on the entire expedition , and that if ever a place could be described as lonely and unvisited , it was Winter Marsh in mid-October .
2 It was a bitter summary of their unhappy affair , but compunction ensued , because it was n't Luke 's fault that he could n't love her , even if he had no right to despise her , so she added neutrally , ‘ There 's a Chinese tea-house or tea-garden — I 'm not sure what it 's really called — not far from here that intrigues me , and I 've been wanting to go and find out what it 's all about ever since I first passed it .
3 And i and my lad would bring home all these damn great big books that he could n't read !
4 If I can use erm an analogy of my own rather than of his , to produce erm a detailed adaptation of an organism to a specific way of life , if only large steps , large mutational changes were possible , would be a little like trying a surgeon trying to remove erm an appendix with a scalpel mounted on some kind of trolley clamp with the rule that he could n't move it less than a foot at a time .
5 And in spite of his own protestations that he could n't begin to do it , everybody pressed him , including Madame Dietrich , including the Baron 's wife , and she charmed him .
6 Rocky is the future of the club along with Macca and Speed if he ca n't hold on to him what ganrantee can he offer us that he wo n't unload Macca and gazza soon !
7 After his Mum had been up to say goodnight to him , Philip lay a long time thinking and he could n't keep out of his mind the thin chalk letters on the pavement in Hill View .
8 As the hands squeezed tighter a redness swam in front of his eyes and he could n't speak .
9 He was a soldier and he would n't have wanted to die any other way .
10 No , no he was n't well , I went to see her er I think he may have had a stroke and he ca n't get about very well at all
11 I know Steve asked if we could go back to Thursdays cos he ca n't make a Wednesday night .
12 Have you his excuse for not going to Arsenal cos he ca n't handle the tubes .
13 She apologizes as well , because she could n't find any frozen peas for Timmy 's tea and he would n't eat the broccoli .
14 He has temper tantrums if he ca n't get his own way , and he even tries to hit me .
15 She could n't find Nick 's face flannel by its flickering light and he would n't use hers .
16 It is widely believed , for example , that farmers contaminate watercourses every day in the normal course of their jobs ; but , as an officer from a rural district put it , ‘ I would n't take action if he could n't do anything about it . ’
17 I tried to take his mind off her by talking about the Norwegian leather industry but he could n't get interested somehow .
18 They had tried to persuade Harry to have a bed in their dormitory but he would n't agree .
19 we landed up with no idea of the description , on one of the pantomime performances because he would n't arrange the date and then
20 Steve used to sing backing vocals on it , but he was singing completely different words because he could n't understand what I was on about . ’
21 Tom would n't wear rain gear because he could n't find a set to really fit his 6ft 3in frame , so it was hard work for me to keep him dry .
22 The director , Thomas de Mallet Burgess , delicately underlines the personal in April de Angelis 's allusive script though he ca n't assert himself when the play slithers into magical realism .
23 Fell in love with the Duke of Athens ’ sweet little widow , and tried to get rid of the Patriarch of Constantinople when he would n't let him divorce his first wife .
24 He told me in one of his more lucid states that he ca n't write because he 's got too much to say … ’
25 He said that there were things about Connie that he would n't like his daughter to know . ’
26 Philip ran down through the field so he could n't hear the noise any more .
27 In the end I remember I said to him that I was just a spoilt Yank and my father sent me money so he need n't worry about a thing .
28 but I knew Sheila that he would n't get done
29 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
30 yeah , but I always get the impression with Jason that he would n't enjoy anything unless he
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