Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] he [modal v] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
2 Cloughie , probably now less adaptable to sudden change than he used to be , has been hamstrung by the departure of two high class central defenders , whom he has been unable to replace despite having cash in the bank .
3 We used to go on Lord Street and he used to be where they sold luscious cakes .
4 Put out of your mind any notion that he ought to be convicted in case he did it . ’
5 Mum and I go to see him sometimes , and we agree that he is a much nicer person than he used to be .
6 This document , which was rich in wounding phrases , was by no means unwelcome to Chamberlain , particularly as it ended with a fairly clear hint that he ought to be the new leader .
7 I mean they were n't badly Me father at th er at the beginning of the war he worked he worked at the Grove pit , down the mine at the Grove and he used to be on afternoons .
8 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
9 North once offered Calero a bullet-proof vest — ‘ the same sort the President wears ’ — Only to find Calero shocked at the implication that he ought to be looking danger in the face .
10 THE husband of a heavily-pregnant woman found hanging in a garage told one of her friends that he used to be a backing guitarist for Eric Clapton , a court heard yesterday .
11 Consequently , Julius Caesar was dressed in Elizabethan costume because no one thought that he ought to be dressed any differently .
12 Raven pushed at the bishop that he ought to be in an academic post and soon .
13 Another thing we had a barney with Peter about at one point , was the fact that he used to be too drunk on stage , ’ says Charman .
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