Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] he [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He was taking a group of his own men plus dogs and their handlers out to the helicopter base where he could brief them together with the pilots .
2 Cheeky 10-year-old Kevin , of Holywell , took the engagement ring as a prank so he could show it off to his friends .
3 Instead of passing on this information , the defendant persuaded the other employee to leave and join his own business ; the discontented client in the meantime had agreed with the defendant that he would use him as his legal adviser in the future .
4 There was no doubt in his mind that he 'd find her .
5 He wanted to look around for Carter despite his fear that he might see him .
6 Moreover , the stranger disappears , but the husband remains , as does the fear that he will do it again .
7 I think he was rather taken aback because my understanding is that he told David that he could get him out of the contract .
8 We would n't want him to play the same trick on us , stealing our clients so he can deal them elsewhere , " said Fox Milton director Philip Raisey .
9 Yes , of course , she recalled , he 'd mentioned in Bruges that he would look her up when he was in the area .
10 Mark : Judas decided to betray Jesus and told the chief priest that he would lead them to Jesus in order that they could arrest him in secret .
11 But how would he break the news to Georgina that he 'd let her down after all these years ?
12 It was a bonus that he could do it by way of Eloise Brückner 's bed .
13 Then , when King John took over the French lands which he had inherited in 1200 , he was allowed to do so only on condition that he should recognise them as being fiefs held of the king of France .
14 you 're thinking of direct costs , but erm , Phil was going to ask Jeff if he would chair it , and also if he 'd be willing , to be sort of editor in chief , of Eurofile , so that was yesterday , and I have n't seen Phil since , do n't know what happened with that and went to him that it was a briefing meeting .
15 A fatal accident inquiry at Dumbarton Sheriff Court yesterday was told that the pilot , Robert Watts , 53 , had been advised not to try to fly to Mull if he could avoid it .
16 It sunk into 30,000 delegates and millions watching at home that this man knew he was not a charismatic orator but he knew , too , that he was going to be President and he could handle it .
17 Give Palace 's manager Steve Coppell the dosh and he will show you what to do with it .
18 announcement every time there 's a delivery and the brother who 's giving the announcements on a Tuesday or a Thursday , whenever they meet , he , he says that we have new magazines tonight brothers and he may hold them up and said you know , that they 're this and that and lovely , beautiful magazines Jehovah doing so well now through his organization and he 's presenting us with , with erm marvellous erm appealing literature , he holds them up and says we 're , we 're , we 're able to get your magazines tonight and er we would like you to get them straight out at me , and they 're still there two or three weeks later , your magazines , this is a way we can stay spiritually awake , is by going and getting them straight away , not for the benefit of the brothers , poor old brother who is on the job and he 's wondering why , are they gon na come and fetch my magazines or not , but because we need to devour that spiritual feeling , we need to keep up to date with everything that Jehovah 's providing us with .
19 ‘ A friend of mine who 's working in and around Florence said he 'd meet us in his jeep if he could make it , ’ David answered looking round .
20 So someone would come and clean his car and he 'd give it to them , yet you would work your guts out for a fairly modest salary …
21 Somewhere there were the right words and he would speak them .
22 Match referee Clive Lloyd criticised Bucknor , saying : ‘ The monitor is there as an aid to help umpires and he should use it . ’
23 He wo n't induct them to a living if he can help it and he certainly would n't put a divorced priest into a canonry . ’
24 All he had to do was get up and walk a few steps and he could escape it all .
25 He 'll decide that I 've worked that out — that I 'll guess my best bet is to go to the car because he 'll reckon I wo n't go to the car .
26 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
27 Rose said pensively , walking round and sitting in Naseby 's seat before he could reach it .
28 The court can remit the case back to the sheriff with a direction that he should remit it to the licensing board to reconsider their decision ( R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church Kirk Session , cit. ) or remit the case to the sheriff to proceed as accords ( Collins v. Hamilton District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 230 ) .
29 Her hope that he would say it was for Berenice 's sake died as soon as it was born .
30 That many of his clients saw him in the former category is suggested by the fact that they frequently passed to him details of their restless and unsuitable executives in the hope that he would redeploy them .
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