Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it had [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Smoke was now pouring thickly from the doorway and it had just occurred to Rocky that no enemy personnel had as yet put in an appearance , when Larsen came stumbling out , eyes streaming , one arm hugging his daughter protectively , shotgun dangling from his free hand .
2 Like the ACAS report , the Scarman report sank without a trace but it had already fulfilled its function that of sapping the strength and momentum of the struggle .
3 He had tried to give her an injection but it had only made her more hysterical .
4 Yet he was also reluctant to let events stifle their friendship before it had properly begun .
5 The USSR must not be given the chance to persuade Germans that it had more to offer than the West on the subject of unification and neutralization .
6 Hydroelectric schemes and dams , sometimes ill-conceived and subsequently damaging to the environment ; roads and cultivation ; forest clearance , often to make a quick profit : all these and many more ‘ improvements ’ drove the elephant into areas where it had never lived before .
7 This bird , born around 1762 , lived in such comfortable circumstances that it had already reared eight broods when , to the consternation of its noble owner , it suddenly developed the plumage and spurs of a male and thereafter refused to lay another egg .
8 But surely Michael Banks 's death must end the run before it had even started ; Apparently not , according to the show 's producer , Paul Lexington . ’
9 His own excursion into foreign fields was an unmitigated disaster when his Grand Bahamas Island Vacation Village collapsed into a financial mess before it had really got started , in 1950 .
10 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
11 Some 18 months after the announcement that it had formally established a manufacturing joint venture in the autonomous republic of Tatarstan , ICL Plc is finally about to start shipping components to its joint venture ICL-KMECS in Kazan .
12 Poor Harry , so incongruously yoked in the forced democracy of death , whose stiffening body would receive far more attention in its dissolution than it had ever received in life .
13 But why could n't he rid himself of the eerie sensation that it had already happened , that everyone knew except him , that he was being deliberately kept in the dark ?
14 ‘ I think so , ’ answered Mildred , though in fact she had made up the tale on the spur of the moment and it had somehow got rather out of hand .
15 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
16 A metaphysics stressing the invariance of divine ideas created dissonance where it had once created harmony .
17 And at the foot of the iron structure was a high steel fender , suggesting from its dull surface that it had never seen emery paper since the day it left the foundry .
18 There was no sign that it had ever had a front cow-catcher roll bar fitted .
19 starting a little brown smoulder mark it were like that all the through the electric blanket of course all the through the the sheets all through the sheets and blankets and it had just coming through the top counterpane we used have a
20 She heard Ana scream her name but it had all happened so fast that she was stunned .
21 In tropical oceans , there is also the problem of the teredo worm , one of the lamellibranch family of boring molluscs , whose destructive vigour proved as deadly to submarine cables as it had previously done to ships ' timbers , wharves and sea dykes .
22 Thorn 's shares shot ahead 20p to 848p on the news that it had almost doubled annual profits to £289.9m .
23 Or could a third party claim that it had never indicated dissent and only now wished to exercise the right ?
24 Was it really just this morning that it had all happened ?
25 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
26 Deloittes had been negligent when certifying AWA 's 1986 profits and it had also failed to adequately disclose to directors various matters including books and record deficiences , the existence of ‘ hedges upon hedges ’ , the ability of its foreign exchange dealer Andrew Koval to siphon funds , and the fact that he was dealing in sums of up to $400m .
27 It was only a theory but it had always amazed him , and the other field operatives , how Philpott could come up with solid cover stories at such short notice .
28 It declared reinstated the 1938 Constitution to underpin a provisional new " basic law " , and terminated the validity of the April 20 , 1978 , Soviet Lithuanian Constitution and of the 1977 USSR Constitution as it had previously applied on Lithuanian territory .
29 The government probably went further down this road than it had originally envisaged .
30 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
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