Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i [verb] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 At only 18 , Dundas will be seeing things through young and excited eyes and I wish him the best .
2 Then I , I put it in a saucepan and I stewed it the next
3 Well I mean it 's gone much beyond that I mean they the reality of the situation is er is not like that I 'm afraid I mean it Eighteen men have been sacked and and these are men that have put those quarries where they are .
4 The Sheriff asked me the same question and I gave him the same answer as I have you . ’
5 I told her I 'd be in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden until about nine , then down in Fulham and I gave her the address of the party and told her to ask for Louise .
6 His name was Edward Greenwood , and as they all sat down , he said , ‘ I 've heard all about you from Helen and I wish you the best of luck .
7 Tom and I saw it the other day , ’ she was saying .
8 And she called me later , and said , ‘ Excuse me , but I just talked to Fred and I told him the story , and he 's invited you to tea tomorrow at his house . ’
9 ‘ Tell me , ’ he complained , ‘ what would be your reaction if I told you the moon just fell out of the sky ? ’
10 That 's life , on Vadinamia , as I said to Mala when I told her the news .
11 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
12 So , we toast the railway station and I tell him the only Czech joke I know .
13 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
14 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
15 about analysis or me giving them the dream and I have to sort of like get out for myself what
16 I have n't , I have n't got a clue but I knew it the minute the second you said it I knew it .
17 you see We was working together and you know a a few benches from each other and of course as I told you the the lads worked with a man .
18 Mrs Scamp levered them on to her face and I handed her the Access card .
19 ‘ But , until we do , you can make yourself useful by binding up this hole in my arm before I give you the pleasure of bleeding to death . ’
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