Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] his [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the examiner appointed by the court may submit a report which accompanies the deposition , this is merely intended to give him the opportunity of recording facts , including incidents during the examination ( for example , that the witnesses fainted or rose up and tried to assault cross-examining counsel ) ; the examiner can not indicate his opinion as to the credibility of the witness or his own impressions of the witness 's demeanour .
2 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
3 This analysis may also help to assess the extent to which the central contradiction in Anderson 's character , his apparently greater interest in football than his academic field of ethics , displays itself in conversation .
4 A world that had hoped for the old uprightness , not for the collective cowardice of Colonel John Stephenson and his spineless masters on the International Cricket Council .
5 In the '70s great play was made of his love affair with the former Miss World Mary Stavin and his brief flirtation with Karen Berlinski , one half of an appalling Euro disco duo who briefly graced the German hit parade .
6 I wish to express my gratitude to Simon Rattle and his remarkable orchestra in Birmingham for providing what has been a wonderful new musical experience for me .
7 IN spite of his determined flippancy and his furious pursuit of the passing attraction , Minton could not disguise his underlying seriousness nor the depth of his cultivation .
8 Billy was still slouched in the corner with his left leg stretched across the seat and his right arm around Mary 's neck .
9 From what I could see of him — mostly his spectacles and his left arm around the door jamb — he appeared to be wearing a red silk kimono .
10 He concentrated upon the doctor 's neat , white shirt , his thin , anxious neck and his general air of having just surfaced from some particularly nasty branch of the Inland Revenue .
11 Full of youthful optimism and his consuming interest in debt , he continued reading and applying for jobs .
12 He was happiest in old clothes , with a pipe in his mouth and his much-loved wife at his side , gardening , tending trees , reading , or playing with his model railway , at Briglands , the house at Rumbling Bridge designed for his father by Sir Robert Lorimer [ q.v . ] .
13 Roger , who said he was abused from the age of four and saw his mother Virginia regularly beaten , told of his two years in prison for selling cocaine and his former addiction to the drug .
14 A congressional vote of censure on Oct. 25 on Borja 's first Government and on Justice Minister , Andrés Vallejo Arco and his subsequent resignation as President of the Monetary Board , was thought to have consolidated support for Bonilla .
15 Drawing upon this European research and his own observations in the United States , the American diplomat George Perkins Marsh ( 1801–82 ) wrote his Man and Nature of 1864 to warn of the dangers .
16 Scott and his final team of 3 perished on the return .
17 We 're keepin' Mr O'Malley and his good lady from their beds . ’
18 One was the work of Abdulnabi al-Hatash and his Majbari assistant in consultation with the leaders of their dependent groups ; the other was the work of the shaikhs of three of the five Zuwaya sections , who had consulted with Sulaiman Musbah and his brother Bil Qasim and other young men .
19 We had to answer technical questions put forward by the new investigating judge , Dr Rosario Priore and his appointed Commission of experts made up of 10 Italian , British , German and Swedish avionics and radar experts , ’ says Steve .
20 Later in life he compared his own feelings at the two ordinations to be a deacon and a priest and his later consecration to be a bishop .
21 Unbathed and weary from the bake of the sun and the refreshment of cool water , I am delicious with the skag inside my chest and the sweet , smoky aroma surrounding me , and the touch of my lover and his hot arms about my waist , and his
22 His one-night stands and his expansive appetite for fun in the night clubs of Los Angeles , New York and London have been charted in the gossip columns for two decades .
23 If the matter is one the direct outcome of which may be trial of the applicant and his possible punishment for an alleged offence by a court claiming jurisdiction to do so , the matter is criminal .
24 Since the Prime Minister acknowledges convergence to be a matter of considerable importance in the development of the European Community , why is it , now that the Engineering Employers Federation , the Confederation of British Industry and his noble Friends in the House of Lords have all made cause for new investment incentives for British industry , that he and the remainder of the Government refuse to take such initiatives in order to support this very best way of securing recovery ?
25 Many a time , in the years since the explosion of nouvelle cuisine , I have wanted to write more of Dr de Pomiane and his unorthodox approach to classic French cookery .
26 Nevertheless , Balcon seriously overestimated the confidence of the company 's boss , Louis B. Mayer , in British talent and his new head of production .
27 Pleydell and his small group of medical orderlies carried out a number of quite complicated operations whilst crouching under bushes and being machine-gunned from the air .
28 There was shock and alarm around the world over Shevardnadze 's announcement , his apparent desertion from Gorbachev 's side and his impending departure from the international diplomatic scene , where he was well-known and respected .
29 He died in the Bridgemans ' house in Teddington , where he made his nuncupative will on or about 27 September 1674 , leaving all his books and his best hat to his brother Philip .
30 By selective citation the novel foregrounds the link between Herodotus 's epistemological ambiguities and his ambivalent attitude toward the role of women in society .
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