Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] we can [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It is our task to attempt to specify the constraints on spelling under which they were working , always admitting that even after we have done this , there may well be residues of apparent randomness that we can not explain .
2 The recognition that we can not give complete holist explanations of social phenomena does not undermine the centrality of the intuition to which the doctrine , in its various forms , is a response : the sense that many properties of individuals , whether tastes , aspirations , beliefs , expectations or habits , are to an over-whelming extent formed by society .
3 Peregrine said : " We do not know the effect of waves and we can not estimate what we should build " .
4 We are a group with a specific condition and specific demands and we can not wait for socialism and structural changes to solve the problems tomorrow , which today are the cause of our limitations …
5 We may have mixed feelings about scientific triumphs which have included nuclear weapons as well as electric light but we can not deny the comprehensive debt we owe to the emergence of scientific method .
6 Meanwhile there 's growing violence as I 've said and we want to end the violence but we can not wait to end the violence before we have the elections and you can imagine at what great disadvantage the democratic forces will work when they try to have elections in a violent atmosphere which is determined by the state structure .
7 As the quotations above show , there is a recurrent recognition by the great minds of the Christian faith that we can not separate the knowledge of ourselves from the knowledge of God .
8 One possible answer is to say that God chose the initial configuration of the universe for reasons that we can not hope to understand .
9 To define the different forms of theism and atheism is no easy task , and it requires from the start a degree of modesty and admission that we can not hope to cover everything !
10 A parallel-group study with 24 children given half the dose of evening primrose oil that we used for 4 weeks , demonstrated a significant difference between active and placebo groups , a finding that we can not explain .
11 It is a pity that we can not spend more time just looking at some of the issues — for example , clause 28 , which is quite important — which affect adult education .
12 Is not it a blight on Scotland that we can not provide homes for our homeless , including those who are still kids ?
13 We have a God who longs to answer prayer ; a God who listens to our words and answers them ; a God who knows our thoughts and answers the prayers that we can not express in words ; a God whose ability to answer prayer is not limited by the finite , but who can do infinitely more abundantly above all that we can ask for or think of asking .
14 This is still a relatively small aspect of our operations as yet , but the sector is one of the major growth areas and we can not afford to neglect it .
15 ‘ The ordering-off broke up a successful partnership between Hateley and Ally McCoist and we can not hide from that fact , ’ said Smith .
16 We are aware of the enormous scope of some of the questions raised in this issue and we can not claim to address them all adequately .
17 What value is our own home if we can not feel for those who are homeless ?
18 Contractors will reluctantly say , ’ No , we simply can not do your work because we can not afford to be out of the money for that period . ’
19 ‘ We have been punished for schoolboy errors in defence and we can not afford similar slips against Hartlepool .
20 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
21 Er we think it , er should be , you know drawn to the public 's attention , government 's attention that we can not tolerate within this county , this high level of unemployment that we 've got , and we 're gon na do our damndest as a County Council to do what we can I know there is in order to , to attack that particular problem .
22 John Major said : ‘ I have reflected long and hard but have reached the conclusion that we can not rewrite history by substituting our latter-day judgment for that of contemporaries , whatever we might think . ’
23 This is the paradoxical truth that we can not stomach .
24 What worth is our own job if we can not feel for those who are unemployed ?
25 When the other person is an unknown commodity and we can not predict how they will react , the greater is our requirement for the armour of indirectness .
26 This is an attempt to bring a greater level of uniformity than we have achieved so far , but we are bound by agreements made at the time of amalgamation and we can not undermine or contradict those particular decisions , and that 's why in a few cases , particularly in relation to the size of conference , there is some slight imbalance .
27 We may not always be completely happy with the published data we find in the Registrar-General 's reviews but we can not accuse him of using secondary sources when his organization has , in fact , collected all the information at first hand from the people themselves .
28 ‘ We are a peaceful community but we can not stand by and allow the people responsible to destroy the fabric of our society .
29 The G M B is a progressive union , we can support constructive change but we can not support any changes that will disenfranchise ourselves from our Party .
30 Later , in The Sense of Order , my book on decoration , I say somewhere that the shepherd boy who cut a twig from a willow tree and made a little pipe to play a tune on may have been a great genius but we can not tell .
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