Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] be [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Symptomatic of this closely focused study is the absence of any comparative photographic material , which requires potential readers to be blessed with good visual memories or access to a well stocked library .
2 The British government has applied for a one-year exemption from European Community environmental legislation requiring all new cars to be fitted with catalytic converters from 1 January 1993 .
3 It allows traditional practice to be infected with transgressive ideals ’ .
4 And now , even if the Muscovite hierarchy felt Ukrainian methods to be tinged with Latin heresy , they could no longer ignore the issues raised .
5 Advent of low cost processors allowing DSP algorithms to be implemented with relative ease means electronics engineers now have much greater awareness of its potential — certainly not the case five years ago .
6 They did n't expect this old transporter carrier to be fitted with cellular disrupters . ’
7 The term ‘ special children ’ immediately brings to mind certain groups of children : those with limited or no sight who can be provided with materials in an appropriate form — books in large print , books to be read with trained finger-tips , books to be heard ; those with hearing impairment who can fully utilize print and picture materials but who may not be given access to music ( the value of such access is demonstrated by the career of the distinguished percussionist Evelyn Glennie ) .
8 The Vogue LSE is also the first off-road vehicle to be fitted with electronic traction control ( ETC ) .
9 First , whereas the implied terms relating to goods supplied under a contract of sale , or any other type of supply contract , are classified by statute as conditions , the implied term requiring work to be performed with reasonable skill and care will normally be an intermediate stipulation ( SGSA 1982 , s13 ) so that breach will only justify termination of the contract if the breach is serious or goes to the root of the contract .
10 Remember that it is not unusual for strong winds to be associated with high pressure , although strong winds and gales are more frequently encountered in low pressure systems .
11 If lifetime employment is common in Japan we would expect longer periods to be spent with particular firms and less mobility between firms .
12 At every stage , the physiotherapist checks that there is no spastic reaction arising from the movements being done : if necessary , she supports the shoulder girdle or elbow to help the desired movements to be made with full control .
13 This allows the unwanted sediment to be expelled with relative ease .
14 Upon the introduction of a new institution it is commonplace for analogies to be drawn with existing institutions .
15 Early in 1066 they were reluctant to accept Harold Godwinsson as their new king , and he and Bishop Wulfstan II of Worcester had to visit York to conciliate them , whereupon the Northumbrians overcame their reluctance to be associated with southern softness — an attitude not uncommon in the north even today .
16 Foam supports for fragile or valuable bindings , allowing the volumes to be opened with minimum strain , are also now available .
17 For convenience , and to enable comparisons to be made with other Scottish economic statistics and UK export statistics , the estimates presented in this report are shown as calendar year values , although they are in fact a compromise between calendar year and financial year values .
18 The data also enable comparisons to be made with non-social science subjects and with university data .
19 A squat Nuremberg bowl for the centrepiece and eight or ten specimen glasses of the same ware to be filled with orange carnations and silver grasses , each guest 's place was to have a boutonnière to match and each finger bowl a floating full-blown orange carnation plus a few drops of orange flower water .
20 But just to be on the safe side , the UN has called in its senior officials to be fitted with bullet-proof waistcoats .
21 It would involve the abandonment of rigid conceptualism : the rejection , in other words , of a formal mechanical set of criteria adding up to the concept of adultery which allows hard problems to be solved with apparent ease by simply referring to a formula without examining the deeper issues of justice involved in the case .
22 Where a problem arises for which there is no express provision in the contract , common law or statute may fill the gap , either by implying terms , such as requiring the goods supplied to be merchantable , or the service to be performed with reasonable skill and care , or by ruling that the impact of unforeseen events is to frustrate the contract .
23 Are the indicators of success precise enough to enable the achievement to be assessed with considerable certainty ?
24 As Galtung puts it , in surveys every individual is " made to appear in the sample as a society of one person to be compared with other societies of one person " .
25 This would allow a pollution sample to be matched with reasonable certainty to its source .
26 How is the free-market economy to be reconciled with continued large-scale tax concessions for house mortgages and private pensions ?
27 In its first report on regional policy in 1965 the Commission called for EC policy to be integrated with national policy .
28 The brush has great control and enables fine details to be painted with thin or thick paint .
29 Only God , the cherubim , and the angels were ever meant by the Lord to be seen with bare feet .
30 Designed to be a showpiece for the new series , the very ambitious script , even in its final form , called for every stage in Polo 's journey to Peking from the Himalayas to be represented with sumptuous interior sets , exterior sets done in the studio , animated map graphics , and a vast array of costumes , props and backdrops .
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