Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] all [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But let me say immediately I do not have Miss Kenton in mind at all when I say this .
2 And then of course , when she came into the village to buy the few things they need — it is astonishing how modest Mr Swinton 's needs seem to be , she hardly buys any comforts at all but I gather his man is an excellent gardener and they keep a pig for bacon — ’
3 ‘ I am leaving with no animosity at all and I feel confident I can find something for next year .
4 There was no escape : ‘ I am a part of all that I have met . ’
5 Nothing moved me , and Coleridge 's line , ‘ I see , not feel , how beautiful they are ! ’ sums up my eventual attitude to all that I had ever found valuable or of emotional significance .
6 ‘ I never used to read poetry at all but I 've just found out that it says all the things I 've often felt but never been able to express .
7 ‘ Because they might not have come from Alain 's clothing at all and I did n't want to upset him unnecessarily . ’
8 I noticed that even the adults showed no ill effects at all when I moved the odd battered brother or post-spawning female to recoup in a low pH growing-on tank .
9 In a few seconds — it had been perhaps a minute in all since I had lost sight of them — I was standing under the tree , on an unrevealing carpet of shrivelled carats .
10 What we 've come forward now is , through is a series of proposals , now these would apply to all , all of these , there was some concern at the meeting that we did n't of them , which appeared to have no , no chance at all as I told you , so all of these issues would actually apply to all of them , but the kind of things that are talked about , is trying to get a , a standard of systems throughout Shropshire so we need the importance of the way they , they sell a fruit shop within , within a , a rural are a rural village .
11 I forgot er I have n't watched the television at all and I forgot to record what d' you call that thing ? with the devil in it ?
12 But I do n't think in gender terms at all when I interview someone for a job .
13 The way Mr. Mendez decided to go all of a sudden did n't make any sense at all until I thought about it a while .
14 Quite apart from the sheer mystery of all that I had to behold on arrival at an up-to-date operational station .
15 Well I do n't want to keep a date open for no reason at all and I mean say
16 It did n't seem my sort of thing at all and I gave Harvey a glance to indicate it .
17 ( 3 ) As I have indicated , I reject the evidence of the midwife that she read the form to Miss T. The midwife gave Miss T. no explanation at all and I find , like Bristow J. in Chatterton v. Gerson [ 1981 ] Q.B .
18 That does not change the fact that as far as parents are concerned if there is no nursery school or nursery class available to them then for them there is no provision at all and I know that you will want to address the question of whether you can find additional resources for nursery education er in the course of the debate .
19 However , I was not prepared just to accept him with no experience at all and I asked him to give me some sort of evidence about the amount of flying he had done .
20 I found , after experimenting that I did not need any glycerine at all as I managed to get the colour to work well with just a smudge from the wet brush .
21 This may be the book of a man whom ‘ mountaineering makes … happy , but there 's no doubt at all that I have very little talent for it . ’
22 So , I do n't , I do n't personally see that as a direct threat at all and I think that also our , our er , our newspapers do n't have any particular political bias of any sort , I think they treat each issue on its merits .
23 The festivities will now start and I do n't think I 'm out of order at all if I asked all the Three-Ninetieth veterans to give a real round of applause to these beautiful British people have come , have come out this after this after th this afternoon .
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