Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [pron] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Muller will watch from the stand knowing he is destined to face the England B team at Bristol on Saturday in preparation for a confrontation of which he could once only dream of : ‘ Facing Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott at Twickenham . ’
2 There were awkward times as well as good times , and subjects on which we could never agree .
3 Standing with him , chewing the chalky corn , it was not difficult to enter his vision of the only past to which he could comfortably look ; a spiritual homeland to which he could never return .
4 Surely , the lowest level of coordinated action at which we could seriously confront this question is that of the European Community ?
5 By this time the " All Clear " sounded and there was a certain amount of light by which I could plainly see I was in what appeared to be an MT parking lot , When the rear gunner returned he reported that we were in the Manston MT yard .
6 What was the error from which he could only be saved by the apocalyptic vision of the future world itself ?
7 In the exercise of his power of arrest , it was perfectly proper for the constable to have taken into account that ‘ there was a greater likelihood … that Mrs Mohammed-Holgate would respond truthfully to questions about her connection with or knowledge of the burglary , if she were questioned under arrest at the police station , than if , without arresting her , questions were put to her … at her own home from which she could peremptorily order [ him ] to depart at any moment ’ .
8 The psychological insights which he might once have applied were no longer applicable ; thus , like most people , like all of us would in a similar circumstance , the degree to which he could realistically perceive what was going on within his body and what was becoming of him came and went .
9 I joined in the debate because I felt that this was one issue to which I could meaningfully contribute .
10 On one occasion he is said to have decorated the whole of the College in three days after which he could still outlast anyone on the dance floor .
11 And with a most clumsy technique , the audacity and crudeness of which I could hardly believe .
12 He despised the ease with which he could now engage in a life beyond the mightiest exertions of the man he had been born to be .
13 It was a trap from which he could never escape .
14 It had a red and yellow band on which I could just read the word Cubana .
15 At a certain juncture ( the onset of modernism ? ) in such a chronology , cultural facts would accumulate to a point at which they could no longer be considered solely as representations , and the whole problem of their proper materiality and hence character as representations would have to be taken seriously .
16 I certainly recall visiting residential and nursing homes in my constituency of which one could genuinely say that one would be pleased to be a member of that community .
17 It was a turn of the screw of which she could never have dreamt herself capable .
18 He was arrested and tortured in German and Italian prisons , and once was confined in a bottle-dungeon in which he could neither sit nor stand up .
19 The grounds on which the father relied were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices heard evidence from which they could properly conclude that his costs had been incurred as a result of the actions and omissions of the local authority ; ( 2 ) as there was no machinery for taxation of costs the justices were correct to assess the amount of the costs ; ( 3 ) the father was entitled to his costs incurred in the Family Proceedings court to the extent allowable under the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 and the justices were correct to hold that the actions of the local authority justified making the costs order which included the costs of the hearing on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
20 The new presumption of guilt is most explicit in the 1985 Wildlife and Countryside Act : ‘ If , in any proceedings for an offence , there is evidence from which it could reasonably be concluded that the accused was digging for a badger , he shall be presumed to have been digging for a badger unless the contrary is shown . ’
21 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
22 They saw abstractions as in some warm and coloured , and the sort of things to which you could appropriately apply quite vivid adjectives .
23 They saw abstractions as in some way warm and coloured , and the sort of things to which you could appropriately apply quite vivid adjectives .
24 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
25 So they were driven backwards and forwards from one trouble to the other , until they had discovered a mean distance at which they could tolerably exist .
26 Dana was much more experienced than I : he taught me a form of carezza by which we could indefinitely prolong erection and contain ejaculation .
27 There are no means that I know of , perhaps some social scientists present could suggest some , by means of which you could actually assess just what sort of a contribution he made .
28 Transport in Cities is a good , clear illustrated guide to the ways in which we could greatly improved urban living by civilising our means of transport .
29 Formed in teams , this task it was then to er across the practice areas whose task it was to get into those clients , get to know them , get to know their industry , get to know the people and find ways in which we could actually penetrate them and er open doors and that was going to take a long time and it is taking a long time .
30 He added , however , that his Ministry is looking into ways in which it could legally ban their importation .
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