Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] it [is] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is beyond question that by Civizade 's time the learned hierarchy had become greatly elaborated relative to its state in Hocazade 's time , and a scholar 's progress through it is more or less predictable .
2 The case against it is precisely that it purports to explain the whole of history and , for that matter , of pre-history , by reference to a total system , and so denies to any of its implicated parts ( social , economic , racial , geographical , religious and so on ) as well as to the actions of its great or good men any separate authenticity .
3 This chapter draws extensively on a paper jointly written with Michael Griffiths — Griffiths and Johnston ( 1991 ) — and his substantial contribution to development of the ideas in it is fully and gratefully acknowledged .
4 In some cases , as in the UK , afforestation is widespread and like agriculture in the UK ( section 6.2.3 ) , the rationale behind it is economically-rather than ecologically-based .
5 Yeah thing about it is though when you 're looking at this , you wan na be looking as to which is the Produces the smallest numbers .
6 Er but er this is the position as it is now and I I 've taken the conservative position as always .
7 This position is not heterodox so far as relinquo ( or , as it is here expressed , dimitto ) is concerned : Section i argued that the problem with it is precisely that it attributes property directly to a beneficiary rather than vesting it in a trustee .
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