Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a small [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Autumn 1945 in Cardiff High School was a season of intensive preparation for a small group of us who were to make that attempt .
2 There was undoubtedly a case for a small increase in numbers for the benefit of both divisions of the court .
3 It was also the case for a small number of women with children who felt isolated because their social horizons were constrained by domestic and family expectations .
4 In addition to the half dozen or so field officers patrolling the districts , some of the areas in the northern authority have provision for a small number of additional posts .
5 While on the one hand claiming to recognise the theoretical problems inherent in classifying cultural features and the possibility of interpreting otherwise , New Historicist writing tends to produce very organised , well-constructed and argued cases for a small number of Renaissance cultural features .
6 Primary nursing , which is becoming more widely used , is a method of delivering care in which one nurse takes nursing responsibility for a small group of people throughout their period of care .
7 Researchers are re-assessing the benefits of re-introducing species to the wild after a small group of golden lion tamarins were found to be carrying an infectious disease which could , in the worst case , have led to the devastation of vulnerable species .
8 In addition the Elfreda Rathbone organisation , a voluntary organisation helping people with learning disabilities , ran a free day nursery in the borough for a small number of children with learning difficulties .
9 You have lost nothing if you get a horse for an ass , a noble action for a small piece of money .
10 As well as these large-scale pieces , Mozart wrote a number of light entertainment pieces : unpretentious divertimentos for a small group of wind instruments ( oboes , bassoons and horns ) intended to be played outdoors on a summer evening ; more substantial serenades for string quartet and two horns written for the delectation of Countess Lodron ; a serenade for seven instruments written for Nannerl 's name-day ; the massive ‘ Haffner ’ Serenade for the marriage of Elisabeth Haffner , daughter of a prominent Salzburg merchant ( this also contains a violin concerto , incorporating the famous rondo ) ; and two ‘ echo ’ serenades — the Serenata Notturna for two contrasting groups of instruments , and the Notturno for four groups of strings and horns .
11 The secondary mirror focuses the light through a small hole in the primary mirror , down onto an array of 62 detectors located in the telescope 's focal plane .
12 These groups have transformed the process of policy-making from rather closed networks of autonomous groups composed of members of the legislature , the executive and groups associated with the iron triangle' imagery ( referring to a stable set of relationships between a small number of powerful groups , federal agencies and Congressional committees ) to a fluid set of issue networks ' , in which ‘ a large number of participants with quite variable degrees of mutual commitment … move in and out of the networks constantly ’ .
13 In Fig. 3.3 , for example , the characteristic is approximated by a straight line with slope T' , so the motor torque is : A motor with a high stiffness develops a large torque for a small displacement from equilibrium .
14 But although it is such a widespread condition , endometriosis is often overlooked because it can only be diagnosed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy ( the insertion of an illuminated instrument through a small incision in the abdomen ) and many suffers do have problems getting their GPs to refer them to a specialist who can do the these for them .
15 The majority of the applications access the data through a small library of function calls , so that instead of using the flat files produced by the database they can be interfaced easily to other databases without significant code changes .
16 Later more imaginative tactics were adopted to try to achieve maximum disruption for a small loss of earnings .
17 Whichever you know if you take the cost some cost twelve hundred pound for a full page others cost three hundred and fifty and some cost even two hundred and fifty pound for a small strip on the golf cards .
18 The map of Chelsea Physic Garden , engraved by John Haynes in 1751 , clearly shows a gap for a small gate in the north-east corner of the garden wall to provide easy access to the gardener 's home , the main gate being on the river frontage .
19 An unusual example of this occurred when I was myself collecting historical data about a small town during the course of a local social survey .
20 But none have forgotten the pain of being driven from their parents nor the welcome and love they were given at Waddesdon as a small compensation for that loss .
21 Fidelity , for instance , has cut its initial fee while increasing penalties for cashing in your holding after a small number of years .
22 He also acknowledged the kindness of a small group of friends at Queen 's Park who stood by her in prayer and practical matters which she could no longer manage herself .
23 Goria , a former prime minister , resigned over persistent rumours he played a part in the 1976 collapse of a small bank in the northern town of Asti .
24 You have so far succeeded in preventing the closure of a small area of self-sealing partition .
25 In one study of a small group of wrist-slashers it was found that more than half were well , or had shown improvement , 5–6 years later ( Nelson and Grunebaum 1971 ) .
26 Returning now to the urban scale , we can illustrate our approach first with Davis 's study of a small town in Southern Italy .
27 The final year will present the opportunity for in-depth study of a small number of specialized topics .
28 However , Bott 's aim was not to test well-defined hypotheses , but to carry out an intensive exploratory study of a small number of families , with the idea of furthering psychological and sociological understanding of urban family life .
29 A similar picture emerges from Cole 's study of a small number of strikers in the building industry in the Midlands .
30 Second , a pilot study of a small number of households will be undertaken .
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