Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The book is written specifically for engineers and engineering undergraduates to present this computational technique as a practical tool in engineering , keeping the mathematical content to a minimum .
2 Such opposition is backed by appeals to protect the small retailer as a unique feature of Japanese culture against an alien Western transplant .
3 The mother who speaks with obvious dread about a forthcoming visit to the dentist may be responsible for unintentionally passing on that fear to her child .
4 In form it is an application at the suit of C.N.L. as a third party for the court to release the appellant from his implied undertaking pursuant to which discovery of the P.C.A. documents was given under the court 's order of 9 July 1991 — released that is to the extent of permitting him to disclose the documents to C.N.L. , they for their part undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against them by Woodley and Clifford .
5 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
6 In international law generally the duty to exhaust domestic remedies is to protect the interests of States but , in the context of the protection of human rights , also because the institutions in Strasbourg regard the development of effective domestic mechanisms for their protection as a necessary concomitant of the international procedures : individuals are required to make use of what the national systems provide before invoking the international jurisdiction .
7 We owe another debt to the local English citizens who have restored and revitalized this building as a tangible memorial to those men .
8 The idea is to re-create the building as a 12-bed extension for the neighbouring and packed Stockton mission for the single homeless without losing its historical railway look .
9 I see the move into the people stage in building as a particular manifestation of the post — industrial culture , into which Western European societies will increasingly move .
10 Reflecting the great care taken by the architects to conserve and enhance the qualities of this former industrial building as a significant element in the metropolitan riverside scene , the project has received several awards , including a Doe Housing Design Award and a Civic Trust Award , both of which were presented in 1985 .
11 TELEVISION reporter Tim Ewart told last night how he left ITN for a new career at a rival station and then slowly realised it was all a terrible mistake .
12 Blundell foresees equivalent advantages in transgenic plants for foods , fibres , energy products , pharmaceuticals , organic chemicals and construction materials — in short a return to agriculture as a major source of raw materials .
13 The NFU survey shows the devastating loss of a total of £6 million to our agriculture as a direct result of the MacSharry proposals .
14 The first person in Britain to receive a grant for a scientific study of the UFO phenomenon is a sociologist , Shirley Melver of York University .
15 By creating ‘ yardsticks ’ , central government may find the task of monitoring quality of service more manageable ( e.g. , ‘ if more dustbins are emptied per kilometre for a lower cost in Scotland than Gateshead , central government has useful information for appraisal ’ : Helm and Smith 1987 , p. x ) .
16 Although it is not primarily vocational , the course provides a valuable training in analytical techniques and writing skills which makes it a valuable preparation for a wide variety of careers , including the media , central and local government , and industrial and commercial management .
17 The campaign to open membership of the British Association of Social Workers to non-qualified staff is being stepped up in preparation for a renewed debate on the issue at the association 's annual general meeting in Birmingham .
18 It is known that youths grew their hair long in preparation for a ritual offering of a lock of hair to the deity .
19 Autumn 1945 in Cardiff High School was a season of intensive preparation for a small group of us who were to make that attempt .
20 President Francesco Cossiga announced the dissolution of Parliament on Feb. 2 , in preparation for a general election on April 5-6 , approximately two months before it was constitutionally necessary [ for June 1987 general election see pp. 35586-88 ] .
21 The honours degree in Housing Studies provides both a broad-based education in the social sciences and intensive preparation for a professional career in housing .
22 To help provide a sharper focus to current policy debates , and in preparation for a larger study of the effects of teacher education , this project will establish an up-to-date database on the nature of a range of approaches to initial teacher education .
23 Around mid-afternoon , I had a report from Ballymena that the large police station in the town had been ordered to clear its cells of ordinary prisoners in preparation for a large number of arrests .
24 They 're working an intense 8-hour day , 5 days a week in preparation for a national tour in March .
25 These 11 large folio books , designated ‘ The Lawrence Notebooks ’ , were compiled over 30 years from the 1890s and contain detailed notes for a comprehensive history of stage scenery and technical appliances , together with lives of the most prominent scenic artists .
26 I think that for once we need feel no qualms in taking Diodorus as a faithful epitomizer of what must have been a compact and careful section of Posidonius on the slave war in Sicily .
27 Where MacLeay saw this unity as a circular system of relationships , Owen began to argue that the unity of type within each group displayed the rational activity of the Creator .
28 Markovic reiterated that the Alliance 's programme would be based around the successful programme of his federal government , and would aim at preserving Yugoslavia 's unity as a pluralist community of equal nations and nationalities .
29 A particular concern of the investigation will be to examine the definition of politicization used by the US and to examine the effectiveness of using threats of resignation as a credible technique for managing the activities of those agencies which are the world 's primary multi-lateral forums for the negotiation of global issues .
30 Greater coherence can be effected in the curriculum through a clear understanding of what is intended and how students may demonstrate what they know , understand and can do .
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