Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the number of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The distance he 's travelled is equal to sixty miles per hour times the number of hours , he 's been travelling for okay ?
2 The officials who sent them off from the ports with the loaded railway-wagons gave them rations for the number of days which the grain would in normal times take to its destination .
3 These include : defining suitable values for the number of simulations required in a GIS environment rather than a statistical hypothesis-testing one ; assessing the utility of kernel estimators as an approximation that may allow smaller numbers of simulations to be used ; investigating the possibility of predicting the final output regions without performing large numbers of simulations ; and investigating possible hardware solutions to speed up the simulation process .
4 The contrast between the number of villas in the western half of the civitas of the Cantii and the comparative few in the east has long caused comment .
5 Discussions about the number of houses in rural areas , their size and density , how many should be publicly or privately owned , owner-occupied or rented , where they should be sited and how they should be designed are often presented as purely technical exercises .
6 There was no association between the number of symptoms and the severity of DGR as determined by the sodium electrode ( Table I ) .
7 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
8 On the housing front , the gap between the number of owner-occupiers has increased in all regions over the last decade , averaging at 68pc .
9 Alex Goldfarb , executive director of the ISF and formerly a biochemist at the Engelhardt Institute in Moscow , sees the gap between the number of applicants and the number of eligible scientists as a sign that many of his colleagues have left the country for greener pastures in the West or have taken up another occupation .
10 Perhaps our common reason is not any prediction about the number of cases of injustice that the checkerboard strategy would produce or prevent , but our conviction that no one should actively engage in producing what he believes to be injustice .
11 The only national data about the number of carers is available from the 1985 General Household Survey of this topic ( Green 1988 ) .
12 The greatest problem for the historian of late medieval population in England is that he has no reliable figure for the number of inhabitants at the time when the plague struck the country first .
13 Set against this is the felt reality ; the constraining influences of the number of individuals a person has to interact with at any one moment and the problem of time .
14 In a secondary forest near Cayenne , French Guyana , five of the six nocturnal mammalian frugivores ( effective dispersers rather than predators ) were found to be marsupials : 13 of the 26 plant species with a major role as food sources for nocturnal mammals made up approximately half of the total basal area of the forest and 25% of the number of trees there .
15 However , Mr Howell said ‘ it gave no indication of the number of transactions arranged , the income and expenditure they had produced , the type of risks involved , the scale of any potential gains and the exposure to loss ’ .
16 The box should give an indication of the number of times you have been in touch personally while nature and content can be filled in through what you enter in the rest of the sections space .
17 Steve Cropper says that Robert Cray and Bonnie Raitt are the only two artists in recent years that he 's watched from the audience — which is either a massive compliment , or an indication of the number of gigs our Steve attends these days .
18 FIG. 2 Regressions of length mortality data against the number of days a cohort had been under observation during its first growing season , with the line forced through the origin .
19 THE Government is to carry out a study into the number of children injured in fireworks accidents .
20 The cut in the number of trainees has already been identified .
21 The guidance advises the accountant that test checks on a suitable number of controlled trust accounts may make possible a corresponding decrease in the number of checks in respect of other accounts .
22 Where there is sustained development of neighbourhood watch schemes , there is a sustained decrease in the number of burglaries .
23 One key influence in the loosening of the relationship between the press and political parties was the decrease in the number of titles published and , in particular , of evenings and provincials ( see Table 3. 1 ) .
24 It 's probably the , the simplest illustration is to say that over the last three or four years , we 've moved from being well below S S A to nine point four percent above S S A , now nothing 's changed other than that we 've got a slight decrease in the number of calls over this last two years .
25 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
26 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) is to launch an enquiry into the sudden decrease in the number of elvers caught in the Severn , Britain 's largest fishery .
27 There is an apparent decrease in the number of polyps affecting each family member , but this may not be a valid observation due to the ages of the three daughters affected and the pattern of recurrence over many years ( 18 years in case 2 ) .
28 The Alton office , based in Paper Mill Lane , have seen a marked increase over the past six months in the number of adults looking to change careers , either as a result of job loss , reduction in promotion prospects , or a desire to retrain in a different field .
29 There was , however , no quota on the number of warrants issued to the security services .
30 What is likely to happen in the future to the number of children in the Hebrides ?
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