Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the [noun pl] [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 One of the other highlights this week is a salute to George Romero ( who sent a message of thanks to the organisers urging them to ‘ Stay Scared ’ ) .
2 He sat silent for a moment , glancing with a look of displeasure at the cars jamming them in on either side .
3 But even in the case of such an Act , if there are superadded provisions which attach to non-payment consequences other than a bare liability to be sued , there can be no justification for refusing to have regard to those consequences and to consider whether the existence of the provisions creating them has placed the payer under such pressure that the payments have not in truth been voluntary .
4 Squeezed between the conflicting pressures from their own nobles and from the Hungarians and Venetians , and with the ever present menace of the Turks threatening them from the south , they gradually sank into oblivion .
5 Mrs Leinen is spending her last few days with the children taking them for trips , including to London Zoo and the seaside .
6 The very first sortie that I did when the war started was with No 77 Squadron in a Whitley to take pamphlets to Germany , flying in at the top end near Kiel and going throughout the Ruhr spreading these horrors of war on the germans telling them " you are wicked naughty Germans and if you do n't mend your ways Hamish will come back tomorrow night and drop some more paper on you " .
7 We habitually think of the actions of nations and of societies as distinct from the actions of the individuals composing them , and we attribute moral qualities to such actions , and moral rights and duties to nations and societies .
8 This could have been explained either as an effect of the greater attention required to drive through unfamiliar junctions , or by the novelty of the stimuli making them more distinctive in memory .
9 — the profits of the capitalists producing them would also decline .
10 In any proceeding in which no pre-trial review has been fixed , the district judge may nonetheless give notice to the parties requiring them to appear before him on the day named in the notice , so that the question of giving directions may be considered ( Ord 17 , rr 10 and 11(4) ) .
11 Research shows quite clearly that although the two names may occasionally have been confused due to scribal error , mishearing by early recorders , or poor scholarship , they are quite distinct and separate in origin and have remained separate in use by the families bearing them .
12 An even greater attraction was the additional dramatic layer of having the Doctor and his friends as hindsight judge and jury over the events surrounding them .
13 ‘ We are not trying to rip people off and planned to put a sticker on the records saying they were recorded 10 years ago .
14 Understanding and compassion will defuse the situation with the parents showing them what to do and helping the children with the task .
15 A chill October breeze forced its way through countless gaps and alleys in the structures surrounding them , tugging and pushing when it was least expected , lifting Diane 's hair and flicking it across her face .
16 It has been a common practice since ancient times to date official documents by the year of the rulers issuing them , or from within whose jurisdiction they emanated .
17 If more adequate services are to be made available for the expected increase in the numbers needing them , those of working age will have to pay more in central or local taxes .
18 But with only 40% of the pupils eating them , they need to sell a lot more .
19 In an action for breach of an agreement embodied in a Tomlin order the plaintiff was granted an injunction against the defendants restraining them from ‘ selling disposing or otherwise dealing with seeking to sell dispose or deal with ’ property of which they owned the freehold .
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